It was moments before the start of the GXW show and was still in his state of mind just as it begun after the last GXW broadcast. To be exact, since the last two shows, Zieba has had a cold and worried feeling running through his spine. With Chad Dupree going against Zieba’s judgment of political protocol, he has managed to cause distress with the CSWA by embarrassing their World Champion Evan Aho at a recent show in Spokane, Washington. At the recent show it was Hellfighter’s life that hung in the balance at the hands of Zero and his counterpart GXW World Champion Dan Ryan. A horrific attack … that has basically gone unanswered by the mandatory fines and possible suspensions. Instead Dupree, and most notably Commissioner JP, have let their action take place in front of blind eyes.

In the past Zieba could easily come out and lay down the law, but behind closed doors he was being pressured by executives who seemed to favor Dupree and JP’s style of entertainment. They said it was a move towards a new era and leaving the old dinosaur tactics behind in the dust. Zieba knew better. He knows that it was Dupree’s lobbying of bribes and promises to those said executives that cut Zieba’s power to a sudden halt and he was not pleased. Not in the slightest.

Still, Zieba knew he could trust a few. It was a rare few, but a few never the less. As he sat in his makeshift office with Vice President Les McCarver he knew that the man before him was loyal. Les was one that wanted to make things work and make it effective. Everytime he had an idea he always went to Zieba for approval and any more ideas that might make it even better for his cruiserweight division. No, Zieba knew he would never have a problem with Les, but he also knew that he did talk to Dupree and he had to be sure.

Looking at Les from across his desk Zieba put down his pen in which he was writing some notes down and show a serious scowl on his face, “Les, I’m not kidding. Dupree has been running this company ragged for the last couple of shows and I’m not enjoying it. Before he was a man you could trust, but ever since the merger of EWI and NthWA he hasn’t exactly been himself.”

“Maybe it’s that group he’s running with right now. We both know how underhanded JP is. He pretty much took Drake’s job like a thief in the night and Drake hasn’t been heard from since. He’s an untrustworthy SOB and everyone in the back knows it. Hell, look what he’s done to McCave. Before she was a girl you could talk and not worry about being stabbed in the back. Now she runs with JP and she’s just as sadistic as Poison Ivy back in the day!”

Surprised, Zieba looked right back at him with a half smile, “I don’t think anyone could be THAT sadistic.”

“True”, McCarver said with a smile, “but I think you know what I mean. Now with Zero and Dan Ryan, of ALL people, and that new tag team runnin’ havoc all over the place attacking people at will … who can stop’em? I would’ve asked The Mechanical Animals since they offered their services back in the SSN days, but they’ve got a well-known dislike for one another. As for everyone else …”

“Everyone else is either totally focused on people that have crossed their line of fire or they think of them to highly to help out the people that brought them up that they wouldn’t even consider helping. I tried to ask Kin Hiroshi if he and Aho might try to mount an attack, but …”, Zieba took a sigh before finishing, “ever since the last show he doesn’t exactly have any trust at all in the GXW front office and I can’t blame him. I mean sure he was SSN, but he has still stayed a positive threat in GXW.”

McCarver gave a kind of bewildered expression, “A lot of people have stayed loyal to your company and you do owe them. Hopefully we can resolve this soon. What am I saying? You are Erik Zieba. Creator of the EWI! You’re the one that brought this federation to a new level. Look who you introduced to wrestling. Evan Aho, Kin Hiroshi, Gemini, Hellfighter, Commando, and a host of others. When nobody else would give them a start it was you that did! You’re the man that can get things down when nobody else can. Sure SSN tried their best, but you basically broke their network spine. Dupree? If he doesn’t see the threat that is staring him dead in the face then he deservers what is coming to him!”

Smiling Zieba looked at his VP and friend, “I hope you’re right.”

“Of course I am”, McCarver said as he got out of his chair and moved towards the door, “Just remember and promise me one thing.”


“When you get a chance to get your mitts on him in the ring … clock his ass one time for me.”

With McCarver walking out the door Zieba smiled and looked back with a familiar fire in his eyes, “All it takes is one time … one time …”

[The camera is following the infamous Commissioner JP down a hallway; the crowd erupts into loud heel heat at the sight of him. The Commish turns and walks into the arena's locker room, but stops as he opens the door and stares at something.]

JP: Who the hell-

[It is a rather disturbing sight. Kyle Carson and Paul Zombie of Horror Business dangle from the roof beams by a rope. They have been hogtied together quite tightly and appear to have been thoroughly brutalized with blunt objects.]

JP: My God. What the hell happened?

[The Commish busies himself with helping Carson and Zombie down. Zombie is unconscious; Carson is just barely able to speak.]

JP: Kyle? Kyle? Who did this to you?

Carson: Don'h. don'h. don't know. came. from behind-

JP: Take it easy. I'll get you some help.

[JP turns to a pair of lackeys behind him.]

JP: Don't just stand there, you invalids, call a ****ing ambulance!!

Lackey #1: Yes sir.

[The lackeys scramble off as JP tends to his wounded bodyguards.]

“One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, four!”

Such words are likely heard at any nightclub or local tavern when a group of people are in good spirits, but when it is in the hallway of a wrestling event chances are it is one man and one man only … ‘Good God’ Kevin Powers.

Walking down the hallway, Kevin Powers takes a casual stroll enjoying the environment around him. Shaking hands here and sharing a joke there, Powers always tries his best to enjoy the nightlife no matter where it might put him for the night. As in this case the night has put him at another GXW broadcast. Earlier in the day he figured it might be a good idea to show up and check in considering he was still under contract. He did request that he could have some time off from the company and GXW Co-Owner granted him that wish, but he knew he could never stay away. After all he was Kevin Powers, The Double G KP, The Ayatollah of Rum and Cola.

Looking around and searching for some of his friends in the company, Powers notices a familiar gleam in the distance and heads towards it to pick it up. Finally reaching his destination he squats down and thumbs at the object on the ground.

“Wow, a shiny quarter. With luck like this I’ll be able to get a free cola to go with my lonely bottle of Bacardi in the back.”

“Well now here’s a familiar sight … a down and out wrestler reaching for crumbs. It must be Kevin Powers … lackey to the REAL stars of wrestling.”

Hearing the clicks of heels earlier Powers paid the sound no mind, but now with a familiar voice matching that sound Powers instantly looked to his right and saw a pair of legs smothered in stockings and spiked heels looking him right in the face. Slowly raising to his feet he followed the leg-line until he finally reached a lime green mini skirt and matching jacket. Inside of the jacket was a silk shirt that was unbuttoned midway for effect. He continued to follow the view.

“One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, four. If I didn’t know any better I could swear I’ve found the GXW H … ello McCave”

Victoria McCave. She and Kevin Powers never really seen eye-to-eye. She still remembers her early days in EWI when she had to interview Kevin Powers and she always ran away blushed and disgusted by Powers degrading words, but now things were different. In her mind she knew she had more power than he ever could because she was apart of the GXW front office and she has always waited for this moment.

“You’ll be wise to bite your lip because now I can fine and suspend you.”

Snickering, Powers looked at her, “Sister, I’m on vacation so you really can’t fine and suspend me. Oh wait. Where are my manners.” Powers looked around until he saw his prize. He reached towards the garbage and grabbed a half eaten candy bar. “Whore d’oeuvres? Oh that’s right it looks as if you already had a sample from JP since … that’s the only way you’ll get any real stroke in the company.”

Blushing again McCave glared at him with pure hatred, “Powers you are such a BASTARD! I swear …”

“You swear? YOU? NO!” Sarcasm ruled the air when Powers spoke to McCave, “I would’ve never of thunk it! As much as I would love to spend more time talking to you I just don’t have the money for your … services. How about this. Be a good little hooch, find your meal ticket, and continue to soak him dry cause bugging me … you’re scratching the wrong post.”

Visually upset, McCave did a complete turn around and began to storm off.


When McCave turned around all she saw was a shiny object being tossed towards her. Grabbing it out of the air she looked at it in her hand and saw that it was a quarter.

“Seems … I DID have more than enough for your services. Later trailer.”

Laughing, Powers walked off leaving a blushing and upset McCave standing dumbfounded with the quarter visually seen in her hand.

“Bastard … he’ll get his … tonight if I have anything to say about it.”

{As the show starts, the chorus from Bubba Sparxxx's "Ugly" plays while fireworks can be seen exploding inside The Spokane Arena much to the delight of the fans. With the thousands upon thousands of spectators getting pumped up for tonight's X-perience event, more pyro effects go off illuminating the Global-Screen thus officially starting tonight's show. With the camera continuing to pan the crowd in attendance, several signs can be seen in the foreground. 'Gemini - TWICE as good as anyone else!', 'Eric Edwards has taken OVER!', 'Sampson is my Main Event any day of the week!', 'TLC - Total Lust for Carnage!', 'Beware of The Night Cripplers!', 'Zero is my Hero!', 'We want THE MUFFIN MAN!', 'Hornet who?', 'Chris 'Nag N'Bitch' Lehew!', 'Dupree Fears Zieba!', 'Merritt fears GXW!', 'What's the difference between Tim Brown and Eli Flair? Brown CATCHES the ball and Flair DROPS IT!!', 'Powers is buying the next round!', and 'A little WANG keeps me UP ... ALL ... NIGHT!' The shot then moves to Jason Grant and Garrett McFarland sitting as ringside as the GXW pyro continues to go off. With the crowd still cheering and waving their signs, the announce crew begins the show.}

JG: Welcome to Portland, Orgeon! Welcome to The Rose Garden Arena! And welcome to GXW X-perience! I am your host, Jason Grant, and I'm joined by the ever-popular Garrett McFarland! What up, Gary Mac?!

GM: You wanna know what's up? In case anyone hasn't kept up with their calanders the CSWA FINALLY made their way to Las Vegas and their so-called 'American Hero' Hornet did a HORRIFIC JOB attacking OUR World Champion Dan Ryan from BEHIND! He didn't face him one on one, but instaed attacked him from behind, but then again what CAN you expect from a company that is FAMOUS famous for making promises then stabbing you in the back and leaving you out to dry!

JG: Just a LITTLE hostility tonight Gary?

GM: I talk to the boys in the back and they are NOT pleased with what happened. I'm just glad that I know someone by the name of Chad R. Dupree will answer that little call and show the entire WORLD that it is the GXW that is the PREMIRE promotion going today. Not some here today and gone for the next two years federation like CSWA.

JG: I'm sure Mr. Zieba would ...

GM: ZIEBA?!!? Are you kidding me? Let me tell you about that Son-of-a ...

(The lights suddenly go pitch black. As the crowd begins to stir, suddenly in large bold letter across the screen appears... D.......R......then a strobe effect takes over as the opening riff to "Zero" by Smashing Pumpkins begins and Dan Ryan steps out onto the stage. Dupree follows a moment later and they begin the walk down to the ring. As they approach the ring, Ryan rolls under the bottom rope while Dupree climbs the steps and climbs in. Ryan walks to the center of the ring and holds the GXW Unified World Title up in the air as flashbulbs go off around the arena. Dupree claps for a moment then calls for a microphone...and then hands it to Ryan.)

Ryan: It's good to be back in the great Northwest!!

(the crowd cheers loudly at the mention of the area)

Ryan: SHUT UP!!!!!

(the cheers slow to a mixture of cheers and boos)

Ryan: Now then, it's been a very busy last several months for me. A very busy time indeed. Over the last few months I've had to deal with Marcus Johnson.......Eric Edwards.......John Miller........and the one and only...ahem....THE...Hellfighter. And as you can see, I still stand before you as the GXW Unified World Champion. Now while I've been occupied with these other matters....there's been someone rising through the ranks....making quite a name for himself. He's cut through the midcard rubble around here with ease....brought to many people's minds the idea that maybe....just maybe....he could be the fastest rising star in the short history of GXW....hell....of EWI or NthWA for that matter. Now I've had things on my mind during this time and hardly have time to sit by and watch every young athlete coming through the ranks.....but then......then.....Kendall.....Codine.....

(The crowd cheers at the mention of Codine's name.....Ryan smirks and continues)

Ryan: Then....our paths came to a point....where they seem to be intersecting. You won the King of the Cage in impressive fashion. Good....good.....very good for you. But you forget a thing or two.....something I reminded you of a few weeks ago....when you took a ride to the concrete floor. You forget....that when people get in my path....they have a tendency it were. Sometimes they become nothing but a shell of themselves.....ask Hellfighter. Sometimes they doubt their entire place in the Federation....see Marcus Johnson. Sometimes....they realize if you can't beat em....join em.....see.....Chad Dupree. But you know what, Codine? Aside from a little vignette I took a peek at the other day you've been awful quiet for a man getting a shot at the biggest prize in the sport. Apparently.....Kendall a coward....

(the crowd boos loudly at this...)

Ryan: Apparently you don't have the guts to come out here and face....

(cue-up "Du Hast" by Rammstein)

(the crowd comes to their feet in an uproar as Ryan and Dupree are caught off guard within the ring....after a few seconds of the opening verse of Kendall Codine's music, we find ourselves looking at the X-treme Screen....upon the screen is none other than Kendall Codine who sits, isolated within his locker room....with his long black hair draping over his face, Codine begins to speak)

Codine: Dan Ryan....the man with words for every occassion. In fact, it seems that you have been better at running your mouth over the past few months, rather than actually competing....

Tell me Ryan, when was the last time that YOU actually completed the actions that it takes to turn away your advesaries away in defeat....

It is evident that each time the "mighty" Dan Ryan feels threatened, he has someone else step in and complete the task for him. Perhaps someday, these pawns in your sadistic game of one-sided chess will realize that you are nothing when you are forced to stand alone....

What will happen when Zero is unable to take down those who oppose you?

What shall come of Dan Ryan when Chad Dupree is rendered powerless?

(Codine pauses for a moment and briefly lifts his face into the view of the face of the camera)

Codine: Take these questions to heart my friend and contemplate them with the wisest of thought because the day will draw near when you must answer them....

The real question is....


(the X-treme Screen suddenly cuts to darkness as Ryan and Dupree stand within the ring. After a moment of looking at the screen still, Dan Ryan and Chad Dupree eventually make theier way out of the ring and towards the back ... speechless.)

JG: Can you believe it! Dan Ryan, for the first time in as long as I can remember is SPEECHLESS after Codine's comments!

GM: He's not speechless. Dan Ryan has alot on his mind from here to abroad! He knows he's a marked man, but everytime someone has tried to rub him out he has risen to the occasion and taken them out instead. It's only a matter of time.

JG: And speaking of time that is what we're running short on! So, without further adeu let's go to the ring for our first match of the night!

'The Shockmaster' Jacob Sikes
6'8", 310lbs.
Denver, Colorado
'Scum of The Earth' - Rob Zombie
Jimi Sinister
6'3", 243lbs.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
'Heavy Metal' - Sammy Hagar

[Cut to the ring, where "Heavy Metal" by Sammy Hagar cues up to a fairly restrained reaction from the fans as Jimi Sinister makes his way towards the ring, moving briskly down the ramp and briefly raising his arms to the crowd. The audience reacts, but is still rather restrained.]

TK: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 245 pounds... Jimi... SINISTER!!!

[The crowd offers a moderate cheer as Sinister steps into the ring, leaning against the back ropes.]

JG: Sinister looks focused.

GM: This should be a good match, Grant.

[As Sinister's music fades away, "Scum Of The Earth" by Rob Zombie cues up on the GXW-Tron, and the fans begin to cheer as Jacob Sikes makes his way to the ring, pointing a finger at Sinister as he walks.]

TK: And from Denver, Colorado, weighing in at 310 pounds... "The Shockmaster"... Jacob... SIKES!!!!

[The crowd pops loudly as Sikes suddenly swings into the ring, but the pops end as Sinister barrels directly into action. The start bell sounds as Sinister attacks, knocking Sikes down with a clothesline.]

JG: And a fast start to this match!

[Sikes, however, will have none of Sinister's antics; he quickly gets up and spins to face Sinister. Jimi is charging in for another clothesline, but is instead knocked on his back by a huge superkick from Sikes. The crowd pops at the impact.]

GM: Yikes! What a kick!

JG: That's why it's called a superkick.

[Sinister uses the ropes to help himself up, but finds himself backed into the turnbuckles. Sikes follows him in, striking him with a huge overhand chop that sends Sinister reeling. Jimi yells out in pain as the chop strikes his chest.]


GM: That kind of chop can kill ya!

[Sikes hits a second huge chop, then grabs Sinister by the arm and whips him to the other turnbuckle. Sinister smacks into the buckles, but as Sikes charges in with a clothesline, Sinister lifts a leg and kicks the charging behemoth in the face. Sikes stumbles backwards.]

JG: I think Sinister just bought himself some breathing room!

[Sinister comes out of the corner and begins laying into Sikes with vicious right hands to Jacob's skull. However, Sikes manages to regain some momentum, delivering a pair of huge fists to the pit of Sinister's stomach. Sinister is sent reeling, but Sikes also appears rather dizzied.]

GM: That looked more like a boxing match than a wrestling match.

JG: Sinister's a tough puncher, but Sikes is strong as an ox.

GM: Big as an ox, too!

[Sinister suddenly flies right back in, slamming a few more right hands to Sikes' skull; one of the punches draws a trickle of blood from Sikes' right brow. Sikes, however, catches one of the punches in midair, using the block to kick Sinister right in the stomach. Sinister goes down.]

JG: And a kick to the gut of Sinister!

GM: Shockmaster is a machine, Grant!

[Sikes moves in on Sinister, sweeps him off the mat, and presses him over his head with a roar of triumph. The crowd pops thunderously as Sikes moves about the ring with the weakly-struggling Sinister pressed high over his head. Finally, the Shockmaster delivers a huge press slam, ploughing Jimi into the mat with a sound like an earthquake.]

JG: He IS a machine! Listen to that impact!

GM: Holy cow!

[Without waiting for Sinister to recover, Sikes moves in again. He lifts Jimi effortlessly off the mat, then suddenly spins him into a spinning jackhammer. Sinister again slams into the mat.]

JG: Relentless! Relentless punishment!

GM: Poor old Sinister! He's being brutalized!

[Sinister pushes to his feet, and Sikes moves in for the kill. However, Jimi isn't finished yet. Using his smaller size to his advantage, he swings around behind Sikes and sweeps him into a huge bulldog that plants the Shockmaster firmly on the mat.]

GM: Wow! What a bulldog!

JG: And Sinister will never say die! There's that no-quit attitude!

GM: You're tellin' me?!

[Sikes gets up quickly, gathering himself as Sinister moves in with a few punches. Jimi goes to whip Sikes to the ropes, but Jacob reverses the whip and sends Sinister to the ropes instead. Sinister comes rushing back for a clothesline, but Sikes has other ideas; he barrels into the running Jimi with a huge Clothesline From Hell. He turns and goes for a cover.]

JG: A Clothesline from Hell!!

GM: This could be it!

[The referee counts to 2, but Sinister valiantly gets his shoulders off the mat before the 3 count.]

JG: And Sinister just gets the shoulder up.

GM: Wow. I thought Sikes had it.

[Sinister pushes himself to his feet, but Sikes is ready for him. The Shockmaster blocks Sinister's punches effortlessly, then nails him with a body shot and heaves him into a massive side walk slam.]

JG: A side walk slam!

GM: Sinister's gotta be hurting now!

[Sikes watches Sinister for a moment, then turns to the turnbuckle and ascends it quickly. He crouches there like some demented vulture, waiting for Sinister to rise. As Sinister gets up, Jacob lunges, planting Sinister with a massive flying clothesline. Jimi goes down, and Sikes hooks Sinister's leg as the ref begins his count.]

GM: That could be it!

JG: A huge clothesline from the turnbuckle!

GM: He's got him! He's-

[The referee almost counts to 3, but Sinister kicks out at the last possible second.]

JG: ...out!

GM: I can't believe it! The resilience!

JG: Jimi Sinister barely managing to kick out!

[Sinister slowly rises to his feet. Sikes moves in with a right hand, but Sinister counters into a right hand of his own, whipping Sikes to the ropes. As Sikes comes back, Sinister kicks him in the pit of the stomach, then tugs him into a suplex. Both men smash into the mat heavily.]

JG: A huge suplex by Sinister!

GM: I don't think he's gonna get up!

[The referee counts to six before both men get to their feet. Pressing his attack, Sinister runs in for a clothesline, but Sikes meets him with a huge superkick - the kind that could crack a brick.]

JG: Oh my lord! A HUGE superkick!

GM: It's done!

[Sikes collapses into a cover to Sinister, and the ref begins his count. The crowd counts with him...



A millisecond before the referee can count three, Sinister gives a mighty heave and kicks out!]

JG: My god! I thought Sinister was out cold!!!

GM: He'll never say die, Grant!!

[Drawing away from the slowly rising Sinister, Sikes clenches his fists and teeth tightly, fuming at his inability to keep his opponent pinned to the mat. He stalks along the edges of the ring, turning to slowly circle Sinister.]

JG: Sikes looks like he's going to blow a gasket!

GM: I'd say so!

[Sinister gets up, only to be met by a set of vicious body punches from Sikes. The Shockmaster whips Sinister to the ropes, but Jimi fights back with a huge clothesline that knocks Jacob down. Sinister immediately goes for a cover.]

GM: Woah! Sinister! SINISTER!

JG: This could be a HUGE upset!!!

[It isn't a huge upset. At the count of 2, Sikes hurls Sinister out of the cover. Jimi lands on the mat face-first, reeling slowly back to his feet.]

JG: But no! The huge strength of the Shockmaster saves him from defeat!

[Fuming now, Sikes moves in on Sinister, whipping him to the ropes and flooring him with a big boot. He immediately sweeps his opponent from the mat and whirls him into an impact spinebuster, shaking the ring.]

GM: Huge spinebuster!!!

JG: This could be the end!

[However, Sikes isn't done with Sinister yet. He lifts Jimi from the mat, then heaves him into another huge impact spinebuster. As Sinister reels from the second slam, the Shockmaster lifts him again and blasts him with a third impact spinebuster. The ring shudders with the huge impacts.]

GM: Oh my GOD!


[Smirking viciously, Sikes lifts Sinister again and plants him with a massive neckbreaker, then stretches him into his deadly submission finisher - TCB.]

JG: And now TCB!!! Ladies and gentlemen, this match is over!!!

GM: Sinister's gonna tap! He's gotta tap!

[But Sinister simply will not say die - he does not tap, though he does emit weak noises of pain. Sikes holds Jimi in the hold for an agonizingly long time. Eventually, Sikes has no choice but to release the hold, allowing the limp Sinister to slump weakly to the mat.]

GM: He looks like a rag doll.

JG: The pain he must be in. I can't believe he hasn't tapped.

[Smiling now, assured of victory, the Shockmaster reaches down and flips Sinister into position for a powerbomb, then raises him up even further in preparation for the Black Cross as the crowd erupts in a thunderous pop. But as he ascends above Sikes' head, Jimi Sinister gathers every ounce of his strength and delivers one huge, vicious right hand to the side of Jacob Sikes' skull! Sikes falls backwards, landing on his back with Jimi sitting on top of him in a sit-down splash position. The referee runs over and begins counting down:




GM: It's Sinister! Sinister just beat Sikes!

JG: I don't believe it! His last ounce of strength!


Winner: Jimi Sinister

[Sinister rolls slowly out of the ring, leaving an outraged Shockmaster to get to his feet. As Jimi is helped up the exit ramp by two referees, Sikes storms around the ring, yelling expletives at the smirking form of his victorious opponent.]

JG: Well, folks, what an amazing match between Sikes and Sinister!

GM: I thought Sikes had him!

JG: So did I, Garrett! But it just goes to show that anything can happen in GXW! We've gotta break away fans so don't you DARE go away!

JG: Welcome back fans. During the break we were told that Commissioner JP's team, Kyle Carson and Paul Zombie of Horror Business, have been taken to a local hospital so hopefully we'll get a further update as they come in. Up next, We have a preview of the Last Man Standing Cruiserweight Title match at Global Warfare. Inferno and Infinity will take on Eric Davis and Robert Wallace.

GM: Don't you mean Alex Young and Robert Wallace?

JG: I'm just reading what's in front of me Garrett,

GM: You truly are a tool aren't you. What's the matter? Can't think for yourself?

Inferno and Infinity
Combined Weight - 400lbs.
'Rollin' (Air Raid Vehicle) - Limp Bizkit and
'More Human Than Human' - Rob Zombie
GXW Cruiserweight Champion Eric ' The Dragon' Davis and 'The Role Model' Robert Wallace
Combined Weight - 440lbs
'New Disease' - Spineshank and
'My Hero' - Foo Fighters

Suddenly More Human than Human begins to play over the PA System. Infinity strolls out from the back, ready for the match.

TK: Introducing first from Wilmington Delaware..Infinity.

Infinity flips over the top rope and leans into a corner. Click Click Boom by Saliva cues up.

TK: and his partner. From Pittsburg, PA..Inferno.

Inferno steps out from the back, glaring at the man standing in the ring. Inferno slides in under the bottom rope and sits on the top rope of the corner neutral to Infinity.

My Hero by the Foo Fighters begins to play.

TK: and their opponents, first hailing from Toronto Canada...The Role Model Robert Wallace.

Robert Wallace struts out from the curtain and is followed by his manager Kevin Harris. Robert acts like he's going to shake a fans hand and then pulls away his hand at the last moment. Robert starts laughing. Suddenly, New Disease by Spineshank cues up and Robert Wallace looks visibly upset.

TK: And his partner from Calgary Alberta Canada. The GXW Cruiserweight Champion. Eric ... The Dragon ... Davis.

Eric rushes past Robert Wallace and slides in uner the bottom rope and catches a surprised Infinity with a dropkick. Infinity stumbles from the corner and a is hit with a spinebuster from Eric. Eric uses the ropes for momentum and drops a lightning fast leg drop across the chest of Infinity.

JG: Eric Davis on the attack quick in this match.

Eric pulls Infinity up and hits a picture perfect vertical suplex, Eric pulls Infinity up to his feet again and whips him into the far ropes and catches Infintiy with a running lariat. Eric pulls up Infinity and sends him into his corner.

GM: Bah, It's not Alex. To much wrestling, not enough carnage.

Eric tags in Robert Wallace, who steps between the ropes and elbows Infinity in the side of the head and then whips him into the corner, where Inferno is waiting. Inferno tags himself in.

JG: Rookie mistake by the man from Toronto.

GM: Nah, He's just a stupid Canuck.

JG: Eric's from Alberta, ya know

GM: Yeah, but he's not stupid.

Inferno enters the ring and levels Robert with a spear. Inferno leans across the chest of Robert and throws lefts and rights. Inferno gets up and drops a knee across the forehead of Robert. Inferno takes to the air first by climbing the top rope and coming off with a flying elbow. One..Two. Eric Davis breaks up the count.

GM: See, He's not stupid. Great move by the greatest Cruiserweight.

Inferno smirks at Eric as he plants Robert Wallace with a DDT. Inferno kicks at Robert Wallace and pushes him into the corner where Eric Davis waits. The crowd goes crazy.

JG: Here it is a preview of Global Warfare.

Eric smiles and he tags Robert and slides in the ring. Eric and Inferno circle each other and both shoot in for collar and elbow tieup. Inferno goes the advantage and uses a drop toe hold to send Eric to the mat, Inferno rolls it into a half Boston Crab but Eric rolls to his back and kicks Inferno into the ropes. Inferno comes back at Eric, catches Inferno with a back drop. Inferno fights back to his feet and is sent back down with a spinning neckbreaker.

GM: The champ is on the offensive. Go Eric.

Eric pulls up Inferno, who thumbs Eric in the eye. Inferno then hits the stunned Eric Davis with a standing dropkick. Eric lands on the mat and Inferno begins to choke Eric. The ref gets to four before Inferno breaks the hold. Inferno pulls up Eric and drives him to the mat with a piledrver. Inferno goes for the pin. One..Two.Robert Wallace is in to the break the count, which in turns brings Infinity into the ring. Infinity and Inferno double team Robert Wallace. Inferno holds Robert Wallace while Infinity uses the ropes for momentum and Robert Wallace moves and Infinity accidentally hits Inferno with a right. Inferno gets up and kicks Infinity in the stomach and the picks him up and hits the Inferno Drop. Inferno leaves the ring.

JG: Inferno is heading to the back.

GM: That's not the worst of it.

Eric Davis has gotten to his feet and climbed up on the top rope and comes off with a frog splash. Robert Wallace quickly pounces on Infinity and gets the One Two Three.


Winners: Eric Davis and Robert Wallace

JG: Robert Wallace and Eric Davis have done it.

GM: No, I think it was Eric Davis that did it, Wallace just took advantage of the situation.

Robert Wallace stands up with his hands raised, jumping up and down. Eric Davis smiles a smug smile and waits for Robert Wallace to turn around and kicks him in the back of the knee and locks on a Full Nelson and then hits Revelations.

GM: Alex..Alex Young is in the building.

Eric/Alex look down at the fallen Robert Wallace and Infinity and laughs. Before he leaves the ring, he kicks both men in the back of the head ...

(FADE IN: Backstage. We see that HellFighter has just arrived and is moving through the arena. He has some bandages on his fade from his own little attack from Zero last week on Revolution, but other than that seems unaffected from the attack. He actually seems to be in good cheers sporting a subtle, sadistic looking grin on his face. He is wearing black baggy slacks, a tight plain white T-shirt, black boots, and a black trenchcoat duster. As he is walking, he is intercepted by GXW reporter Joey Tyler ready and eager to interview him.)

Joey Tyler: "HellFighter, can I get a word from you? Last week on Revolution, you were attacked by Zero and then was sent out to the wolf in GXW World Unified Champion Dan Ryan to pick up an easy win over you that wouldn't have been made possible hadn't Zero attacked you before the match. Why are you here tonight? You are not even scheduled to be here. Will you be seeking that classic HellFighter payback that we know so much about?"

HellFighter: "HellFighter payback? Good one Tyler. Oh well, call it whatever you want. I'm just here, but don't worry there is always a method to my madness."

JT: "HellFighter, isn't it true that you forsake everything that you believed in from your faith to attempt to beat Dan Ryan? What were you thinking, were you admitting defeat like Dan Ryan said, or was there something else up your sleeve?"

HF: "Since when I have ever admitted defeat. I was not admitting defeat. I was increasing my chances of a victory. I realized Tyler something was holding me back from obtaining what was rightfully mine. The GXW World unified title. Why is it mine? Because I was going to make it mine. You see Dan Ryan didn't make me give up my faith, I gave up my faith. Dan Ryan had very little to do with it. I made the conscious decision on my own. Dan Ryan helped me to come to several realizations about me, but in the end I made the call. You asked if I gave up my faith? Hell Yeah I did and I will explain. You see I have the talents and the skills and the will to win, but I never really had the dirty brain to win. Because of my faith and being 'the ultimate good guy,' I had to play by the rules. I had to follow every guideline. I was bound by restrictions, guidelines, limitations, doctrine. I got tired of not so much being mocked and being the laughing stock backstage by everybody, but everyone trying to make the preverbal good guy an example so that they could propel them to the top of this business at my expense. I got tired of putting other people over at my expense. So Revolution, against Dan Ryan was going to change all that. That was the day I said 'F*** YOU to everybody. F*** you to the GXW, F*** you to the boys backstage, f*** you to the fans, F*** you to THE MAN up to speak. I meant what I said. I will do whatever it takes to win, and I will win."

"Now onto Zero. I knew you were going to attack me. The only thing I wasn't ready for was when, where, and how. You took me by surprise on those things. Other than that I was ready for you. You are very predictable Logan. You are pissed off because I screwed you out of your X-treme title, and a chance to even the score with Kendall Codine. So the F*** what. I don't care. Guess what? If I have pissed you off so far, just wait because I am going to do far worse. When someone attacks and pisses me off, I am just supposed to take it like a grain of salt and move on, but when I show the least amount of retaliation and retribution toward them; (Mock sarcastic voice) Oh heaven forbid, that cannot happen. And you get your panties in a little rolled up wad. Well, F*** that S*** because I am not playing that anymore. I am done. If you and Ryan are pissed with me now, just wait because I am just beginning. You call me a joke. We'll see. You call my title win over the single greatest performer Evan Aho a joke. No way. Excuse me, but politics do not beat Evan Aho. Great wrestling beats Evan Aho, and I beat Evan Aho twice in one nice. Something that no one has ever done. Including you. Yes, for one single night, I was better than Evan Aho. However, even I will admit that the nights after Aho were not the best, in fact that I down right sucked. I think that it is safe to say that I squandered my title reign down the drain. From here on out, that will not happen again. I will not be better for one night. I will be better every single night after night after night. You call me a joke, well opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, and you guys are just one giant asshole. But this I will say, you say that I used politics to get what I wanted in this business. How can I use politics when everyone in the front office, let alone everyone in the locker room consider me a joke? Huh Zero? Answer me that? I use politics to win matches if everybody hates me. Which means that I earned every single win, every single title, and yes every single loss in my life. I earned it all without playing the politics game. However I think that it is safe to say that a few people I know have been playing the game for a while now. So before you go accusing me of this crap, look at yourself in the mirror before you go casting the first stone."

"We're passed the beginning, we're just starting the middle, far from the end, and let me assure you that it is going to get a lot, lot, lot worse. You have hell, then there is Ryan, and then there is me. We'll see just who really is worse. I will piss you off a lot more in the future. Oh and Zero, one more thing. Even though you had me bound with chains and beat the hell out of me with your weapon of choice, the steel chain wrapped around your little fist until I was bloody...YOU STILL HIT LIKE A B****! I'm still alive, and I am still going to beat the living f*** out of you. You cannot kill me because I am immortal, and everytime you hurt me...or for you...TRY...all you do is make me stronger. So keep attacking me. I want it. My hunger for your pain never stops because whatever you dish out on me, I take that pain, intensify it, amplify it, and throw it right back at you 100 fold. Hey, you said to Codine that you wanted to die because your life is was in pain. Well, mutha f***er, I'm your DR Kavorkian. I am your suicide. I am your answered prayers. I am the lethal drug that kicks your ass into oblivion. Now reap the whirlwind. Welcome to me."

(HellFighter grins real big before walking off where he is cut off by Co-Owner Erik Zieba, who is looking back at him The bigger Hellfighter looks down at his nose with that same grin at the smaller Zieba.)

HF: "What is it this time Zieba?"

EZ: "Something that has been on my mind for sometime now Hellfighter. I have been thinking about this for a while, and I have come to the conclusion that I should have done this last year when I had the chance. I believe that I owe it to you Hellfighter."

(Hanging on that one sentence, Zieba reaches out his hand to HellFighter in a handshake. Hesitant at first, Hellfighter thinks whether or not he should do so. After some though, he finally returns the handshake to Zieba.)

EZ: "I have been waiting to do that since long after last year's Global Warfare, but didn't do it then. You are officially forgiven by me....old friend. The Meltdown chapter of EWI history can finally come to a close, and burned to a crisp. Now I can officially say to you welcome to the GXW Hellfighter."

HF: "Thanks."

(With that last word being said by Hellfighter, he walks off down the hallway as Zieba looks back at Tyler and the camera with a grin on his face as the camera fades out and back to the announcers' table.)

Walking around the back during the GXW telecast, Kevin Powers was in his usual high spirits. Earlier he ran into one of his least favorite people and made her feel exactly like how she has been portraying herself. And that, of course, was like pure trash. Sure, at first he thought to himself, he should not of done it. He remembers his peers telling him way back in the day ‘treat others as if how you wanted to be treated’, but that was then. These days he didn’t feel he had to impress anyone or get on anyone’s good list because if he had to do that then, to him, they were not worth his time. With a slight smile begging to show on his face as he continued down the hall until he felt his feet suddenly stopping.

‘Funny how things work out before you can even conjure up a plan’, he thought to himself as he stopped in his tracks and saw Chris Lehew arguing with J’Bu the production manager about his promotional spot. Laughing on the inside, Powers slowly made his way to the conversation.

“Look I don’t care. You can tell whoever to stick it up his ass I’m tired … do you hear me J’Bu? TIRED of doing this crap!” Lehew shouted to the Jamaican production head, but it was falling on deaf ears. “But mon you has to do it because the boss say so.”

“Tell Herr Boss Zieba that I’m not doing it anymore! And if he don’t like it then you can tell him he can kiss my …”

“Careful Lehew”, Powers quickly broken in, “you know how much Zieba hates when you cuss around here. I could call up K-9 and Lone Wulf if you need references on this subject.”

With a disbelief look Lehew didn’t even turn around to put voice to face because he already knew who it was, “Oh Lord not you too. Don’t you have some bottles to return for a refund or something?”

“If you’re asking if I need to recycle then too late I already did. I took my squirt in the can just about ten minutes ago.” Powers said with a snicker. Disgusted, Lehew shot right back, “Okay that was … TOO MUCH information thank you. Now, the all important question is why are you breathing my air and taking up my space?”

“J’Bu a few minutes.”

“Sure mon.”

J’Bu walked away as Powers looked right at Lehew, “Look Chrissie I don’t know who you think you are, but you ain’t impressin’ anyone around here. In case you didn’t get the hint the ONLY reason you got that job is because of all the whinin’ and bitchin’ you do. I mean … how many times do we have to hear about you and Zero this and you and Zero that and how come you don’t get the good matches because it was the ‘all powerful’ Chris Lehew’ that parted the seas and walked across a river of piss … WHO CARES!”

“Look Powers I don’t need …”

“That’s right! You don’t need to hear this, but you are GONNA hear it because I’m ALSO tired of hearing people nag and bitch around here … ESPECIALLY when it comes to punks like you that don’t even DESERVE to nag and BITCH! I mean if you want exposure … you know … yeah … YEAH!”

With a curious look Lehew was careful to answer, “Yeah … what?”

A now smiling Powers looked back at Lehew, “Yeah what a GREAT idea! You want … exposure? You wanna be a headliner? You wanna earn your place here instead of riding the coat tails of Sampson and telling YET ANOTHER story of how you and Zero fought in the Burger King parking lot for that SOLE FRENCH FRY laying in the gutter! Global Warfare, ‘Career Ender’ Chris Lehew and ‘Good God’ Kevin Powers … ONE ON ONE. I’m sure, if you strike a deal with the devil and sell your soul and actually do the impossible and BEAT ME, then you’ll get your shot at the title, but if you don’t … oh if you don’t. Then I’ve only proved my point.”

“And what point is that?”

“That you and McCave are one and the same … eye to eye. Mattress-back sheets. She’s been screwed over time and time again and there are videos out there, sadly, to prove this physical travesty while you, from a CERTAIN point of view … continues to get it physically too!”

Now visually upset, Lehew shoves a finger in Powers face, “You know Powers you aren’t anything more than a piece of ….”

“Save it”, Powers brushes Lehew’s finger out of the way and begins to walk off, “You need to save your energy … champ. I think I’ll go and let Zieba know about the match and I’m SURE he’ll agree to it. And, while I’m there, I think I’ll let him know about you not wanting to do the spot. You know how the man is about his money ....”

Watching Powers walk off, all Lehew could do was stand there in disgust because he knew that he was going to have this match.

“So you ready mon?” J’Bu could be heard in the background, but Lehew had his mind on other matters.

“J’Bu … shut up.”

6'6", 325lbs.
Mobile, Alabama
'La Grange' - ZZ Top
'Time Bomb' Chris Titan
6'7", 265lbs.
Chicago, Illinois
'Darkside' - Crazy Town

[Cut to the ring, where "La Grange" by ZZ Top cues up on the GXW-tron. The crowd pops as Stingray makes his way to the ring, raising his arms to the crowd as he walks down the ramp.]

JG: And there's Stingray!


TK: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Mobile, Alabama, weighing in at 325 pounds ... STIIINGRAAAAAAY!!!

[The crowd pops again as Stingray raises his arms to the crowd. A few seconds later, "Darkside" by Crazy Town cues up, and the crowd pops a little softer as Chris Titan makes his way to the ring.]

TK: And making his way to the ring, from Chicago, Illinois, weighing in at 265 pounds. Chris ... TITAN!!!!!

JG: Two successful tag-teamers competing in a singles match here tonight!

GM: Oh, it's gonna be GREAT, Grant!

JG: I can tell.

[The bell rings as Titan charges Stingray and nails him with a right hand to the cheek. Stingray takes a step back as Titan lays into him with more blows, then whips him to the ropes.]

JG: A fast start to this match.

[Stingray comes back with a clothesline, but Titan ducks it. Chris sets up to back drop Stingray, but he telegraphs the move. Stingray sees it coming and meets Titan with a kick right in the face.]

GM: He saw that coming a mile away!

JG: An uncharacteristic rookie mistake by Chris Titan!

GM: He's no rookie!

[Stingray takes control of the match, lifting Titan into a huge powerslam. Stingray covers, but Titan gets the shoulders up at the two count.]

JG: A cover - and Titan gets the shoulder up.

GM: Stingray's aggressive. I like that.

JG: And folks, later tonight we'll see some more action.

[Stingray whips Titan to the ropes as Jason calls commentary.]

JG: . as Dan Ryan and Mr. Dupree go up against Kendall Codine and Erik Zieba-

[Grant cuts off as Titan nails Stingray with a huge clothesline, sending him to the mat.]


JG: Looks like Titan's getting back in control.

GM: Wait! What's he doin'?!

[Titan raises a hand to the crowd, then gets down and locks Stingray into a figure-four leg lock. Stingray slams his arms on the mat in pain as Titan keeps the hold locked in.]

JG: The figure four! Nature Boy, eat your heart out!!!

GM: Stingray's gotta get out of it!

[Stingray manages to grab the ropes, and the referee orders Chris to break the hold. Titan gets up and stomps Stingray to the mat, then covers, but Stingray kicks out on 2,]

JG: Stingray kicks out.

GM: I tell ya, that Titan's intense.

[Stingray gets to his feet, and Titan whips him to the turnbuckle. Stingray hits it on his back, but as Titan charges in for a clothesline, Stingray hits him with a big boot, taking him down!]

JG: Stingray with the big boot!

GM: Just what he needed!

[As Titan lands on his back, Stingray suddenly hops onto the turnbuckle, and the crowd pops loudly as he signals. Stingray leaps and delivers his signature top-rope splash, then covers for the 3 count!]

JG: THE STINGRAY SPLASH!!!! Stingray fights back to win the match!

[Stingray hops out of the ring as an irate Titan gets to his feet, shaking his head in shock.]


Winner: Stingray

JG: Stingray pulls out a win here and look at Scott Titan ... He STILL can't believe it!

GM: Well I can believe it cause we've got some of the TOP Tag Teams in the world today bar NONE! Better than any federation that feels the need to let their American Hero attack OUR Champs from behind!

JG: Still bitter are ya?

GM: You damn right I am and you should be too!

GM: Folks we'll be back after a commerical break!

“You’ve got a match!”

Getting in a few last minute stretching exercises, Zieba knew this was only a prelude to the match at Global Warfare when he had to face Chad Dupree. Part of him said that this was wrong. People who can’t resolve their differences should not be fighting in the ring when they have reached a level like Zieba and Dupree. Zieba has own federations and Dupree the same. They are businessmen and are not cut out for the ring and people, MILLIONS of people, watching these two untrained individuals settle their differences. Still, there was this other half tell him something otherwise.

The other side only imagined the expression on Dupree’s face when he was looking up at Zieba in total defeat. Punching, slugging, kicking, punching. Kicking, and plenty of other arsenal attacks. Zieba was looking forward to this. He’s already tasted several attacks in the past. Angelus and his Angel’s Touch along with Dupree delight as he watch Zieba taste the cold seat of a steel chair. Just feeling the moments tick by gave Zieba a sudden tingle of delight knowing that he would eventually settle their differences once and for all.

Taking a few moments to reflect on that thought, Zieba moved over towards his desk and pressed the button for the intercom. He wanted something to drink and this time the bottle wasn’t going to do the trick. Instead he felt the urge to have some water and who else but Sabina could get it for him. Sure he felt bad whenever he sent her on task such as this, but he had to remember that she knew she would run errands like this.

“Sabina, can you do me a favor and get me a bottle of water? Thanks.”

“I think … she is pre-occupied with another task so you’ll have to do without.”

A sickening feeling crossed Zieba's stomach as he heard the voice on the other end of the intercom. This voice, without a doubt, was not Sabina, but instead a voice Zieba dreaded hearing.

Looking at the door he refocused his attention towards the intercom and answered in a cold tone, “What … is … it.”

“Is that anyway to greet a person that always enjoyed your wielding of power? Mr. Zieba … you disappoint.”

“Shaddup. The very last thing I need from you right now is your reticule. I have a lot of things on my mind right now and I don’t need you screwing with my train of thought with mocking words.”

He could feel the face to the voice smiling in amusement. He silently tried to make his way to the door, but wasn’t quick enough. “It wouldn’t be wise to move to the door because I am sure you will not enjoy what is on the other side, but if you are one to gamble with darkness the please … feel free. Be my best. Otherwise just stand where you are and save your energy because you have to focus. Tonight, the great Erik Zieba, does the unthinkable and gets inside of the wrestling ring to … fight. Just saying that sentence … is amusing, but I do respect it because there are times when words are meaningless and actions must be taken. I’m sure that you are realizing that right now.”

Disgusted with the caller Zieba looks back, “If you are trying to downgrade my tempo for this match it’ll do you no good because I am more than ready for this!”

“Oh, but your words, they deceive you for they feel no real meaning. I am afraid I have to inform you that you are not ready.”

“And who do you think you are? Some Jedi Master or something? Your tricks won’t work on me! If I have to show you then I’ll show the WORLD I’m ready for tonight! Do you hear me? I am ready and there is nothing … NOTHING you can do to distract me! DO YOU HEAR ME?”

Continuing to scream into the intercom Zieba is wondering where is a reply, but there is none. Before he can make a move for the door it suddenly opens and it is Sabina with a water bottle in her hand.

“Mr. Zieba? Are you okay?”

Brushing past her Zieba looks out towards her desk to see where his mystery voice went to, but he is gone. Puzzled, he walks back in and looks at Sabina.

“Um, thanks Sabina,” Taking the drink he looks back outside and then at her again. “Did you see anyone out there?”

“Nobody was there sir. Are you okay?”

Shaking his head, he continues to stare at her and then at the ground.

“No … no I am not. I think I just need a few minutes alone to catch my breath.”

“No problem Mr. Zieba.”

Walking out the door, Zieba stands in the middle of the room still with a puzzled look. And, as he takes a drink from his bottle, he can almost feel someone looking at him and laughing … silently …

JG: Up next we have Cruiser Tag Team Action.

GM: I heard that Mr. Dupree wants this division to get off the ground, just to bad that Zieba has McCarver running things.

JG: I think Les has been doing a great job running the division.

GM: Yeah, Ok, you keep believing.

JG: Both teams are in the ring.

'The Sandman' Devon Slayton & 'The Living Legend' Alex Bainbridge
Combined Weight - 459lbs
'Not Meant for Me ' -Wayne Static and
Theme to 2001: A Space Odyssey 
Kin Hiroshi & 'The Messiah' Zell Hunter
Combined Weight - 445lbs
"Last Action Hero" by Tesla and
"Never Gonna Stop" by Rob Zombie

Kin Hiroshi and Devon Slayton start off for their respective teams. Kin catches Devon off guard with a dropkick to the knee. Kin quickly jumps on the attack and grabs the leg and drives an elbow into Devon's knee. Kin wrenches back on the knee and Devon stuggles to the ropes and the ref gets to four before Kin breaks the count. Kin uses the ropes for momentum, but Zell reaches over and slaps Kin on the back, tagging himself in. Kin stops in his tracks and begins to yell at Zell, who ignores him and kicks at the knee of Devon. Kin is ushered out of the ring by the Referee and this gives Alex a chance to catch Zell with a low blow. Zell falls to a knee and Alex yells at Devon. Devon gets to his feet and catches Zell Hunter with a thunderous DDT. Devon pulls up Zell and goes for a suplex, but Zell blocks the attempt. Zell catches Devon by surprise with a small packages. One..two..Kick Out. Devon catches Zell with a thunderous lariat as Zell gets to his feet. Alex is screaming from the corner to get into the match. Devon walks over and slaps Alex hard on the chest and exits the ring. Alex starts yelling at Devon and doesn't notice Zell is sprinting towards him and Zell hits a spear that sends both Zell and Alex from the apron to the concrete below.

JG: Did you hear that? Oh my goodness, Both Zell Hunter and Alex Bainbridge hit the concrete with a sickening thud.

GM: It's a wonderful sound isn't it?

As Zell and Alex get to the feet, Devon comes off the top rope with a corkscrew plancha taking out both Alex and Zell. Kin Hiroshi gets in the ring and uses the rope for momentum and comes flying over the top rope and lands on all three on the floor with a senton bomb.

JG: It looks like a car wreck out there.

GM: Someone better call 911.

Devon gets up and goes to get in the ring, but Alex Bainbridge grabs him by the ankle and pulls him back to the floor. Kin Hiroshi gets up and is in Zell Hunter's face. All four men start throwing lefts and rights at each other. Kin gets a quick advantage and catches Zell with a Swining Neckbreaker. Devon stuns Alex with a series of chops. Alex pokes Devon in the eye and whips him into the security railing. Kin turns his attention toward Alex and Devon and is caught from behind with a belly to back suplex from Zell Hunter. Suddenly Heaven By Uncle Kracker cues up and out steps Vice President McCarver. Les is wearing a GXW Jersey and blue jeans. He stops under the X-treme screen and the four cruiser's turn their attention to him.

McCarver: I give you an opprotunity to impress the wrestlers in the back and this is how I get repaid? I knew your ego's where big, but I figured you'd be able to put them in check for one night so we could show the world that the Cruiserweight Division is growing strong. Well that fine, you guys want to work against each other. At X-Perience I'll give you that opportunity, we'll have a Four Man Tournament and the winner will receive a Cruiserweight Title shot at the next PPV. Oh and this match has been declared a No Contest by yours truly. Good Night Gentlemen.


Winner: No Contest

JG: The VP has laid down the law and the four men at ringside don’t look the least bit happy.

GM: Nor should they. He has no right coming out here and trying to show up people like Alex Bainbridge. That man’s a living legend.

JG: Anyway, We’ll be back right after these messages.

JG: Well folks, up next we got a great matchup that features The Reaver squaring off against “The Standard” Jayson Carter!

GM: I’m actually looking forward to this one. Even though they totally SCREWED Sampson over.

JG: This should be a good one!

For The Vacated GXW Television Title

'The Standard' Jayson Carter
6' 5", 248lbs
'Mourning' - Trantic
The Reaver
6' 5", 268 lbs.
Cameron, North Carolina
'Redemmer' - Marilyn Manson

{Suddenly, “Mourning” by Tantric cues up and Jayson Carter comes out. “The Standard” makes his way down to ringside to a great face pop, and acknowledges the fans. Then, “Down with the Sickness” by disturbed kicks in and the fans again pop for The Reaver. He makes his way to the ring and enters, coming face to face with his opponent. The two eye each other up, then begin hurling punches at one another. The bell rings and the match starts.}

JG: And they’re on each other like white on rice!

GM: You’re such a tool Jason.

{The Reaver gains the advantage over the smaller Carter, and tosses him to the ropes. On the way back however, Jayson performs a leapfrog over The Reaver and comes off the ropes with a dropkick right to his face. The crowd goes nuts as The Reaver gets back to his feet, a pissed look crossing his face. Carter quickly goes for a Superkick, but The Reaver ducks and comes up behind Carter, tossing him backwards with a reverse head and arm suplex. “The Standard” lands on his head, rolling backwards to the ropes. The educated GXW crowd acknowledges the move with a great ovation. The Reaver walks over to his fallen opponent, stalking him like an animal.}

JG: That move took a lot out of Carter! That was devastating!

GM: That was pretty sweet. That was almost TV-titlerific.

JG: Garrett, you never cease to amaze me.

GM: I get that a lot.

{The Reaver picks up Carter, tossing him to the opposite ropes, then rebounding off the ropes closest to him. When they meet in the middle of the ring, The Reaver NAILS Carter with a Clothesline from Hell. The fans all let out a collective “OOOOHHHH” as Carter’s head bounces off the Canvas. The Reaver eyes him up and starts stomping away at Carter’s body. He goes for a cover, but only gets a two count.}

JG: Two high impact moves there by the Reaver!

GM: He’s a sick, sick man.

{After Carter kicks out, The Reaver pulls him to his feet and again sends him off the ropes. He goes for a boot to the face, but Carter slides under his leg, then gets up, rushing back at the bigger man. He takes The Reaver down with a clothesline of his own, and goes for a quick cover. The ref counts. 1…2…. Kickout. He pulls The Reaver back to his feet, then kicks him in the gut, nailing a Pedigree. Instead of going for the pin, however, Carter climbs the turnbuckle and goes for a moonsault. The cameras flash as he takes off with great height, only to slam into the mat. The Reaver rolls out of the way and into the corner, where he uses the ropes to pull himself up. The Reaver pulls Carter up and then goes for the “Death Warrant”, hitting it on the younger superstar. He goes for a quick pin, but again, “The Standard” kicks out at 2.}

JG: The Reaver is trying to end things early here!

GM: He’s just toying with him. He could have beat him if he wanted to, trust me.

{The Reaver lifts Carter up and decides to send him over his head with a release german suplex. Carter hits the mat hard, but just rolls over with an adrenaline rush. Carter charges at the Reaver, then hits a quick hurricanrana. However, The Reaver quickly gets to his feet and Carter goes for another. This time when Jayson positions himself on The Reaver’s shoulders, he is put down to the mat with a sitdown powerbomb. The fans applaud as Carter rolls out of the way, holding his back. Carter gets back to his feet, about to be speared by a charging Reaver. Carter flips him over with a double underhook suplex, however, and the crowd goes wild. “The Standard” then lifts The Reaver up and executes a single arm DDT. He plays to the crowd, which is egging him on. He doesn’t notice that the Reaver has gotten up behind him, and he’s quickly put back to the mat. This time it is the Reaver who deals out the DDT. The Reaver shakes his head at Carter and looks down at him, mouthing off a few words.}

JG: And The Reaver’s telling him that’s how it’s done!

GM: Yeah… show that punk.

{Carter slides out of the ring, holding his head. The fans offer him some support as he tries to take a brief breather. Suddenly the Reaver rebounds off the far ropes and comes flying over the top with a suicide plancha! The Reaver goes at Carter on the outside, slamming his fist into his head, but Carter is able to reverse positions on him. Jayson starts laying into the Reaver’s head with rights and lefts, the fans going insane at the sudden burst of energy. Carter picks The Reaver up, slamming his head into the nearby ringpost.}

JG: Keep their heads ringin!

GM: Ringa a ding ding ding dong!

{Carter pulls The Reaver back into the ring and flies off the ropes, dropping a leg across his throat. He goes for a pin but only gets a two count. He tosses The Reaver back off the ropes and nails a picture perfect T-Bone Suplex. Again, Carter runs to the turnbuckle and ascends, leaping off with a moonsault.}

JG: Could he hit the move this time???

{Just as he is about to come down, The Reaver lifts his knees into Carter’s ribs. The fans cringe as The Reaver rolls back over to Carter, locking on a Crippler Crossface. Carter screams in pain as The Reaver wrenches back on his neck.}

GM: I guess we could call that the Carter Crossface?

JG: Sounds good to me Garrett.

{The ref asks Carter if he wants to submit, but he refuses. For what seems like minutes, after Carter has quit struggling, The Reaver releases the hold. He picks up a drained Carter and tosses him to the ropes, this time nailing him in his injured ribs with a spear. Carter is doubled over in pain.}

JG: OHHH that’s gotta’ hurt.

GM: Ouch. I almost feel sorry for Carter…. Nah.

{Carter rolls around for a few moments while The Reaver gets back to his feet. He continues to stomp away at Carter’s ribs. The Reaver pulls Jayson to his feet and locks around his waist, sending him overhead with a german suplex. He hangs onto the hold and does it again. The fans groan as Carter is again smashed into the mat with another german suplex. After four, the Reaver decides it is time to finish Carter off. He goes for the release german suplex, but when he does so, Carter performs a backflip and comes flying back at The Reaver with all the energy he has left, nailing him across the face with a forearm. The fans erupt at the site of persistence.}

JG: And this guy just won’t quit! What heart!

GM: What a moron.

{The Reaver quickly gets back up, almost annoyed, but is caught by surprise as Carter nails an Angle Slam on him. The fans continue going crazy as Carter quickly runs to the turnbuckles again.}

JG: He’s determined to get this move off!

{Carter leaps off the top and connects with a moonsault, this time staying atop The Reaver for the pin. The ref counts. 1…2…thr…. Kickout! The crowd is going insane as the see the momentum is shifting for Carter. Jayson picks up The Reaver and executes a picture perfect Impact DDT. He lifts him back to his feet, but out of nowhere, with as much strength as possible, the Reaver lands a strong lariat across the chest of Carter, totally flipping him over, causing him to land on his head.}

GM: Oh my… did you… jus… holy…

JG: He was just hit with “The Standard for DDTs”, yet he just about decapitated Carter!!!

{The Reaver picks up Carter and nails the “Razed in Black” brutally, looking out to the crowd. He goes for a pin, but then decides otherwise and goes to lock in the “Jagged Edge”. Carter screams out in pain as The Reaver applies the move even more. Just as his ankle is about to snap, Carter taps out.}

JG: And what a matchup!!! I can’t believe that one folks! Carter was gaining the momentum when out of nowhere, The Reaver came back.

GM: And now we have a NEW TV Title Champion!! BOOYAH!


Winner: The Reaver (NEW GXW Televsion Champion)

JG: The Reaver wins! The Reaver wins! Say what you want about the man, but he delievered tonight!

GM: I just can't wait to see how Dumont and his son Slayton will react when they find out about this!

JG: Folks we've gotta cut away, but we'll be back right after this!

FLASHBACK!  What made the GXW the PREMIRE league it is today!

EWI Presents Bad Blood I

05/06/00 at The Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim, California


CUE UP: Beautiful People, Marilyn Manson.

Gemini appears at the top of the ramp, still dressed in his wrestling gear and covered in the sweat and blood from his match tonight. He carries a white tube in his hand with him down to the ring. He's also wearing a simple black t-shirt, adorned with what seems to be his new logo... 'PAYBACKS ARE A BITCH'

BS: Ok... this doesn't look good for Commando.

GM: Read his shirt Brett... read his shirt.

Aho recovers his title, and staggers back up the aisle. He looks up to see Gemini coming down to the ring with revenge in mind and looks him in the eye. Gemini stares at the champ, but doesn't move. Aho shrugs, raises his hands in a show of no contest, and lets EWI's resident schizophrenic past. Gemini nods at Aho, ten moves past the champion on a beeline for Commando. Aho watches Gemini move towards his opponent, shakes his head and moves up the aisle.

BS: Whats he carrying Garrett?

GM: It looks like a... fluorescent light bulb?

BS: Uh-oh. Don't do this Gemini. Don't do it.

Gemini grabs the feebly moving Commando by the hair and throws him into the ring. Commando tries to crawl away from Gemini on his hands and knees, but Gemini throws him into a corner. Commando feebly pulls himself up and stands half concious in the corner, blood streaming down his face from a cut in his scalp. Gemini motions for a mike from the tech staff and a tech quickly hands him one so Gemini can address the crowd.

G: Well Tasker, we kept our word. We kept our nose out of your match. We didn't touch you once. And you still lost. Didn't you like our little trip down memory lane Tasker? Did that distract you? Did it throw you off of your vaunted game?

G: You know Commandork, there was one other thing that you did to us that we wanted to remind you of. Do you remember what it was? We're pretty sure that you do. You smashed a light bulb into our face when we were wrestling Radder! You don't remember that Alan?

Commando tries to charge Gemini from the corner. Gemini easily sidesteps Commando's weakened charge and swings the fluorescent tube like a bat, smashing the light across Commando's face. Slashing his face open with several horrific gashes. The crowd gives a huge heel pop, as Commando sinks to his knees clutching at his face with blood streaming from between his fingers.

G: That's what it feels like there Commando. It really hurts doesn't it? Well maybe you should get used to that sensation Commando, because we aren't going anywhere. We remember everything you did to us in vivid detail. Every stitch we got, the concussion, the boken ribs. All your stupid back jumping crap. And let us tell you this sunshine, we're just warming up on this whole payback thing. We're going to be your freaking shadow from now on. We're not going to rest until we feel we've squeezed every last ounce of payback from your stinking carcass.

G: But you know what Commando, we're hogging the microphone. We're sure that you want to issue a rebuttal for your fans. We're going to give you that opportunity right now. (Gemini looks over at the announcers table.) McFarlane! Sanders! Want an exclusive interview with Commando? Catch!



Gemini picks up the brutalized Commando, then presses him overhead. He moves closer to the ropes, then presses Commando through the announcers table, where the announcers scurry away like rats. Gemini stands and watches the wresckage with a grim smile. Paramedics and security rush down the aisle to tend to the injured Commando.

BS: This is insane! This is utterly insane!

GM: Look at him Brett! Look at Gemini!

BS: My God. He looks... HAPPY!

GM: That is one sick, sick man. Men. Guys. Something.

BS: Well as Gemini and Commando are out of the ring Evan Aho as just got back in and he is trying to catch his breath under the surprise and cheers of the fans.

GM: Oh wait a second we have a visitor!

[As Aho is still in the ring Eddy Love comes rushing down with Marcus Gottfried in tow and he catches Aho off-guard with a blind clothesline that brings him down. Love then picks him up and sets him up for a Hurricane Piledriver that knocks out Aho. Then, as he throws Aho out of the ring, he also calls for a mic.]

EL: Aho. Just like I said as long as I'm around you won't even be considered a champion cause I am the REAL champion ... not you!

[Suddenly 'Renegade Master' - Wildchild starts up and Zieba makes his way down the ramp and into the ring.]

EZ: What the HELL is going on here?

MG: The last thing you need to do is say anything. The way I see it I own this league and I own you and you WILL do as I say cause I have damn near every superstar in my backpocket! So it would be in your best interest to back off!

EZ: Burn in HELL Gottfried this is my league!

MG: Oh yeah? Eddy would you mind please?

[As Love is about to charge Zieba, Rob Sampson makes his way down to the ring wearing an "It's All About Eddy Love" t-shirt and smiling. As he steps inside he walks right inbetween the trio]

MG: Rob! I'm glad you could be here. Sorry about keeping Eddy a secret, but it had to be done. You understand right?

RS: Oh yeah I understand and it's all good. I just hope you understand where I'm coming from.

MG: What do you mean?

[At that time Rob kicks back and hits Love with a Show Stopper that drops Love right to the canvas. As Sampson is about to move towards Love again, Gottfried jumps Sampson from behind, but is quickly pulled down by Zieba and he holds him at bay as Sampson hooks Love up with The Headliner (inverted Death Valley Driver).]

GM: What the??? Love's not moving!

BS: I think Sampson might have broke his neck!


BS: You can't....


RS: (picking up the mic and getting in Gottfried's face) Screw me (pointing at Love) with this? Well screw you cause I'm about to make your life a living HELL! Screw the SSN cause I'm EW Mother Fuckin I!

[Zieba pushes Gottfried down and both he and Sampson head out of the ring as the EMT"s hit the ring to help out Love.]

For The GXW X-treme Title

'The American Nightmare' Gabriel Bane
6' 7", 310 lbs.
Berkley, California
'The Great American Nightmare' – Rob Zombie
Tommy 18
6' 5", 260lbs.
Somewhere in Mexico
"Hangar 18" by Megadeth

Cue-up “Hangar 18” by Megadeth

TK: The following is an AMATEUR WRESTLING RULES MATCH FOR THE GXW X-TREME CHAMPIONSHIP!!!! Introducing first, the challenger, from parts unknown…TOMMY…18!!!!

The focused challenger gradually makes his way to the ring, as his entrance music is suddenly replaced by “The Great American Nightmare” by Rob Zombie.

TK: And his opponent, the reigning GXW X-treme Champion, “THE AMERICAN NIGHTMARE” GABRIEL…BANE!!!!

Gabriel Bane slowly makes his way to the ring, as his demented eyes burn a hole through the challenger.

JG: This match is definitely going to be a treat as we will see a change in actions within the ring. As some may already know, amateur wrestling rules apply to this championship match. Therefore, several professional grappling holds will be eliminated such as locking hands from referee’s position, headlocks without an arm, and so on. In addition, this match will consist of a standard three periods, each period lasting two minutes in duration.

GM: Are you kidding me? This will definitely take all of the fun out of the match!!

JG: It will be different, that’s for sure. Although both of these goliaths fit the heavyweight categorization in amateur wrestling, one has to give favor to the champ as he literally outweighs Tommy18 by 50 pounds.

GM: Like it makes a difference. Bane is going to rip through him regardless of the size differential.

The match begins as both men circle around the ring. After a brief stare down, the two men lock up. Tommy18 strikes first with a quick duck under, that sends Bane tumbling to the canvas. The referee quickly awards Tommy18 two points for the takedown.

JG: Wow!! Great speed by Tommy18, something that he is going to have to use to his advantage if he wants to win this match.

GM: Luck, pure and simple.

Gabriel Bane hits a quick stand-up as Tommy18 struggles to keep control. Suddenly, Bane back steps Tommy18 and takes him straight to his back with a standing Peterson. The referee falls to the canvas and quickly counts backpoints.

JG: Bane’s power comes in handy as he is now on top of this match by a score of 5-2.

GM: Tommy18 is lucky that he has lasted this long!!

The first period gradually comes to an end, but not before Tommy18 can hit a quick sitout and turn for an escape. The referee awards Tommy18 a point for the escape as the first period comes to an end.

JG: Once again, Tommy18’s speed is a factor as he cuts Bane’s lead to 5-3. Gabriel Bane won the coin toss in the back, so he will receive choice for the 2nd period.

The referee asks Gabriel Bane for his choice, as he opts to defer his choice in the 2nd period to Tommy18.

JG: Just as expected, Gabriel Bane is using his vast knowledge of his amateur background as he defers his choice to Tommy18.

GM: But why? Now he doesn’t get to choose what position he wants!!

JG: True, for this period, however, Bane will now receive choice in the 3rd period, thus giving him an advantage going into the latter part of this match.

GM: Ahhh…amateur wrestling is so damn confusing!!

Tommy18 chooses the bottom position as the two wrestlers prepare to start the 2nd period.

JG: It seems that Tommy18 will try to use his speed again for a quick escape.

GM: He’s an idiot, Bane will squash him with weight alone!!

The referee blows the whistle as Tommy18 attempts a quick standup, however, Gabriel Bane counters with a quick far ankle, thus toppling Tommy18 to the canvas face first. Bane quickly capitalizes with a half-nelson attempt.

GM: Put in the full nelson!! Put in the full nelson!!

JG: He can’t Garrett, in amateur wrestling, a full nelson is illegal.

GM: What kind of crap is that!!

Bane successfully turns Tommy18 with the half-nelson as the referee falls to the canvas to count for backpoints. After a few seconds of struggling, Tommy 18 manages to bridge off of his back and return to his base.

JG: The champion has added a few insurance points to the score, as Tommy18 is now down by a score of 8-3.

GM: Its in the bag now!!

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Tommy18 hits a quick Granby roll and scores an escape. Both wrestlers are now back on their feet in the neutral position as there is a little over 30 seconds left in the 2nd period.

JG: WOW!! What a move by Tommy18, as he cuts Bane’s lead to 8-4.

The two wrestlers lock up once again as they struggle for positioning. Unexpectedly Tommy18 uses Gabriel Bane’s size against him and executes a perfect lateral drop. The lateral drop throws Bane to his back as the referee counts backpoints.

JG: OH MY GOD!! Tommy18 has used his size disadvantage to his own advantage as he now has the champ on his back and close to a pin.

GM: Bane wasn’t prepared, this isn’t right!!

The period comes to an end as Tommy18 nearly pins the champion. The referee awards Tommy18 two points for the takedown, as well as three backpoints. The referee proceeds to give Gabriel Bane his choice for the third and final period.

JG: This is one hell of a match as the score is now 9-8 in favor of Tommy18. We expected Gabriel Bane to show his amateur wrestling prowess, but Tommy18 has been the one that he definitely surprised us so far.

GM: No chokeslams, piledrivers, or powerbombs!! This isn’t wrestling, this is a travesty!!

Gabriel Bane chooses the bottom position for the last period. As the two men get in position, the referee blows the whistle for the final period.

JG: If Tommy18 can hold down this nightmare for one last period, we may very well have a new X-treme Champion!!

GM: Don’t count on it.

As the two men struggle for position, Gabriel Bane’s manager, Sheena Boyd makes her way down to the ring.

JG: What is she doing down here?

GM: Showing her support, just relax.

Bane hooks the elbow of Tommy18 and executes an elbow roll as the two men are now back on their feet in referee’s position. The referee awards one point for an escape to Gabriel Bane.

JG: The match is now tied 9-9, as it seems that we may have overtime on our hands.

GM: No way!!

Without warning, Sheena Boyd climbs the apron of the ring as the referee quickly focuses his attention towards her antics. As the referee remains distracted, Gabriel Bane pulls a pair of brass knuckles from his tights and strikes Tommy18 square in the face. As Tommy18 falls to his knees in pain, Bane picks him up, and spears him into the turnbuckles. As Sheena continues to distract the referee, Bane hits Tommy18 with a Bane’s Hammer.



As Gabriel Bane makes the cover, the referee refocuses his attention to the action in the ring. The referee goes for the count…


JG: Hold on, Tommy18 has been saved by the bell!!

GM: You have to be kidding me!!

Tommy18 is still rendered unconscious as Gabriel Bane is outraged. The referee makes his way to the score table in order to consult with the scoring officials. After a few seconds of discussing the match, the referee returns to the center of the ring and raises Gabriel Bane’s arm in victory.

Winner: 'The American Nightmare' Gabriel Bane (Retains The Title)

JG: Oh no, the referee has awarded Bane a takedown and backpoints, thus making the final score 14-9 in favor of the champion.


JG: If that’s what you want to call it. Nevertheless, I’m willing to bet that these two haven’t seen the last of each other. Folks we've gotta cut away, but when we return it'll be Sampson and Zero for the GXW Continental Title ... NEXT!

JG: Welcome back everyone. During the break we were told that Kyle Carson and Paul Zombie of Horror Business has already checked into the hospital and will be staying for a few hours due to test, but the end result is that everything should be good to go for JP's team. Folks in this match, Zero takes on Rob Sampson!!!

GM: Seems like we’ve been waiting WEEKS for this one.

JG: Let’s get to the ring!

For the GXW Continental Title

"Mr. Main Event" Rob Sampson
6'2", 260lbs.
Cincinnati, OH
"#1" - Nelly
6'5", 253 lbs.
Charlotte, North Carolina
'Smash' - The Offspring

{The camera cuts to the ring where the GXW fans are anxiously awaiting the entrance of the participants for the match. “Smash” by Offspring cues up on the system and the fans erupt as Zero comes walking out from the back.}

JG: A huge ovation here for Zero!

{“#1” by Nelly hits the speakers and Rob Sampson walks down the aisle. The continental title wrapped around his waist, the light reflects off of it, back into the camera. Sampson approaches the ring with a swagger, stepping in cautiously, eyeing up Zero. The ref asks for the bell to be rung, then both men go to the middle of the ring. Sampson, the shorter of the two, looks up into the eyes of Zero. Suddenly, Sampson reaches back and attempts to slap Zero, but he ducks out of the way and slams a hard right into Sampson’s jaw. The fans go wild as Sampson quickly gets back to his feet with a kip-up. Sampson then drops and sweeps the legs of Zero out from under him. Sampson takes the opportunity to perform a somersault legdrop much to the crowd’s delight. He goes for a quick cover. The ref counts. 1…2…kickout.}

GM: That was a sweet ass move there by Rob Sampson.

JG: He does put on a great show for these fans.

GM: Too bad they’re not worthy of seeing it.

{Zero rolls out of the way as Sampson tries to drop an elbow on him. Both men get to their feet, with Zero bouncing off the ropes. He goes for a clothesline on the return, but Sampson ducks. On the next pass however, he is not so lucky, as he is speared to the mat by Zero. The fans applaud Zero as he gets on top of Sampson and starts laying into his face with rights and lefts. Sampson shoves him off and the two are again on their feet. The two lock up and attempt to gain the advantage on one another. Sampson comes out on top and decides to send Zero over with a snap suplex that leaves him clutching at his back. Rob pulls Zero back to his feet and sends him flying off the ropes. On Zero’s return, Sampson lifts him into the air and dropkicks him in the chest.}

JG: Beautiful ring work here by Rob Sampson!

GM: He’s awesome!

{Sampson gets up on a knee and showboats for the crowd, with most people booing. A few fans applaud the maneuver, however. Rob pulls Zero up by his hair, but Zero begins laying into Sampson’s stomach with hard punches. Rob lets go of Zero’s hair, and is quickly sent to the mat with a hard right hand to the face. He quickly gets up to receive a picture perfect jumping DDT at the hands of Zero. The crowd erupts as Zero goes for a cover. The ref counts 1..2..kickout. Zero picks Sampson up and whips him into the corner. Rob slumps against the turnbuckles as Zero charges at him, attempting to drive his shoulder into Sampson’s gut. Rob leapfrogs at the last second, however, and Zero slams his shoulder into the ringpost. Sampson then flips down and performs a sunset flip pin on Zero. The ref conts. 1…2…kickout.}

JG: Great back and forth action here by Rob Sampson and Zero!

{Zero quickly gets to his feet and catches Sampson off guard with a swinging neckbreaker. Sampson holds his neck as Zero lifts him up and whips him to the far ropes. Instead of coming back, Rob grabs a hold of the top rope and leans against them. Zero runs across the ring though, and clotheslines Sampson over. Both men go over together, falling to the arena floor as the crowd cheers them on. Zero grabs Sampson by the back of the head and slams his face off of the ring apron. He repeatedly does so until finally Sampson is able to block his attempt. Rob gives Zero an elbow to the gut and then performs a side russian leg sweep on him. Zero’s back slams hard against the arena floor as he lets out a scream of pain.}

GM: Work him Rob! Kick the living snot out of him!

JG: Zero’s in trouble here folks!

{Sampson looks to the crowd as he gets to his feet, bathing in their jeers. Rob then uses the nearby ring barrier to perform an asai moonsault, coming back down across the chest of Zero. The fans applaud the move while Zero and Sampson both lay on the floor. The ref warns Sampson that he needs to get back in the ring or he will be counted out, so he grabs Zero and rolls him under the bottom rope. Sampson follows him in and grabs Zero by the hair again, this time whipping him to the ropes. Zero comes back with a dropkick to the knees of Sampson, however, and the crowd goes nuts. Both men slowly get to their feet. Zero comes flying at Sampson and nails him in the face with a forearm, then both men tie up. Zero gains the advantage and performs a belly to back slam on Sampson. Zero gets up and goes to the ropes, coming back with a baseball slide to the side of Sampson’s head.}

JG: Zero’s gaining back the momentum here Garrett!

GM: Please. I don’t think so.

{Zero walks over to the corner, then ascends the turnbuckles. He looks out to the fans who cheer him on, not knowing that Rob Sampson has gotten up. Sampson falls to the ropes and crotches Zero on the top turnbuckle. Zero holds his groin as Sampson gets up behind him. He applies a reverse headlock to Zero, then flips him over with a reverse suplex that sends him straight to the mat, gut first. Sampson locks his feet however, and does not come off the turnbuckle.}

JG: OH MY!! Sampson just performed a reverse suplex off the top rope!!! Zero is rolling around in the ring like he’s been broken in half!

GM: Too sweet. What did I tell you Jason? The man knows his stuff.

{Sampson quickly leans forward and stands up on the top turnbuckle, dropping down to perform a split-legged moonsault. Zero, in pain, rolls out of the way however, causing Sampson to hit the mat hard. Both men lay in the middle of the ring, each holding his own stomach. The fans start chanting “ZERO” as he gets to his feet slowly. Sampson gets to his as well, but only to receive a clothesline at the hands of Zero. Zero goes for a cover. The ref counts. 1…2…kickout. Zero pulls Sampson up and goes for another clothesline, but Sampson is able to block it, performing a head and arm suplex instead. Sampson gets a burst of energy and flies off the ropes, rebounding with a rolling senton splash onto the fallen Zero.}

JG: Great move there by Sampson, the fans are actually cheering him on.

GM: They’re jumping on the Sampson bandwagon. Should have known.

{Sampson gets up and is quick to play to the fans, who’s cheers soon turn to boos.}

JG: Spoke too soon Garrett.

{Sampson picks up Zero and attempts an overhead suplex, but Zero is able to drop down behind Rob mid-move, delivering a reverse DDT to the stunned superstar. The fans cheer as Zero again slams his fists into the face of Sampson. The ref warns him to keep his hands open, and Zero gets off of Sampson. He pulls Rob to his feet and whips him to the corner again, then runs over and slams a knee into his gut. Zero lifts Sampson up and places him on the top turnbuckle. Zero then climbs up with him, looking to go for a superplex. Sampson pushes Zero off into the ring, but he rolls out of the impact. Sampson gets to his feet in preparation to leap off, but Zero comes flying back at him and pushes his legs out from under him, crotching Sampson on the top rope. He then DDT’s Sampson straight to the canvas.}

JG: HUGE move by Zero!! It looked like he was getting a little revenge for that move by Sampson a little earlier!

GM: Ouch, Rob’s hurting!

{The fans go insane as Zero goes for a cover. 1…2…thr..kickout! Zero looks to the ref in disbelief as Sampson rolls to the corner. Zero picks him back up and whips him hard to the opposite corner, leaving Sampson holding his back. Rob falls flat into the middle of the ring until Zero picks him up again and whips him to another corner.}

JG: Zero working Sampson’s back now.

GM: Come on Rob!

{Zero again picks up Sampson and attempts another whip, but this time, Sampson reverses. He pulls Zero back towards him and then up onto his shoulders in one smooth movement, sending Zero back to the mat with a death valley driver. Sampson, still holding his back, then applies an elevated crab to Zero. He lets out a scream of pain as Rob wrenches back on the move. Zero makes an attempt to reach the ring ropes.}

JG: That move has got to be taking something out of Rob as well! His back is hurting just as bad as Zero’s!

GM: He’s tough as nails though, you just watch.

{Zero slowly makes it to the ropes, where he is finally able to latch on. The ref, standing in front of Sampson, tells him to release the hold. He doesn’t comply however, and the ref begins jarring at him. Finally, Zero kicks out of the move, sending Sampson flying into the ref by accident. Sampson falls flat on top of the ref, knocking him out. Rob gets up and looks down at him, unaware that Zero is right behind him. Zero grabs Rob’s leg and rolls him backwards looking for a pin, but the ref is still out cold. Sampson kicks out and the two men get back to their feet. Sampson runs at Zero, but gets tossed over the top rope to the outside instead. Zero slides to the outside and begins slamming his fist into Sampson’s face. He lands a hard right that sends Rob to the floor, then he goes under the ring to find something.}

JG: What’s Zero looking for??

{Zero raises his hand up, showing off a trash can lid. He slams it over the head of Sampson a few times, then drops it to the floor. Zero then DDTs Sampson straight down onto the trash can lid as the fans go wild. Zero lifts Rob up and rolls him into the ring, realizing he still can’t go for a pin because of the ref being knocked out. Rob slowly gets to his feet as Zero gets on the apron. Both men meet, one on each side of the ropes, and start exchanging punches. A small amount of blood trickles from the forehead of Rob Sampson. Suddenly, out of nowhere Sampson lays a shoulder into the gut of Zero. Time seems to slow down as Sampson leaps up over the top rope, coming down over Zero with a sunset flip powerbomb that sends him through the timekeeper’s table. The fans go insane as both men lay on the ground for a few seconds. Sampson then takes the opportunity to get to his feet and roll Zero under the bottom rope.}

JG: Did you just see that?!?!? He put Zero through that table with a sunset flip powerbomb!

GM: That’s why he’s Mr. Main Event!

{Sampson lifts a dazed Zero to his feet, then hits the Show Stopper superkick. He goes for the automatic pin… but the ref is just now starting to come to. Sampson gets to his feet in frustration, then looks to Zero. With one last rush of energy, Zero goes to slam a fist into the face of Sampson, but receives a kick to the midsection. Sampson then nails The Curtain Jerker on Zero, the fans booing loudly. The dazed ref is barely able to lift his hand to make the count as Sampson goes for the pin. While the ref is on the mat, Sampson lifts his legs up and uses the ropes to gain leverage. The ref counts. 1…2…3!}

Winner: 'Mr. Main Event' Rob Sampson (Retains the Title)

JG: Rob Sampson wins this match with some cheating involved!

GM: What? I didn’t see anything!

JG: After that powerbomb through the table, there was no way Zero could kick out with Sampson using the ropes. The ref didn’t even know where he was!

GM: Oh well… that’s not Rob’s fault now is it?

“Lehew and McCave. Could live get ANY better?”

Those were words Powers currently lived by as he sat in the back watching on one of the close circuit televisions. Earlier in the broadcast he managed to put McCave in her place and he relived that moment again when he saw Chris Lehew fighting with J’Bu on his thoughts about the Nag N’Bitch spots. Now a little tired, Powers took a seat near one of the television and found out that Zieba was next on the card.

“Zieba? Oh this should be good. It’s only a rare moment in life when you get to see this SOB in action. Zieba and Codine against Dupree and Ryan. Man I hope Codine and Zieba beat the snot out of’em. Now thinkin’ about it … where IS John Miller at anyway? Man if he is hoggin the keg in the back …”

But before Powers could react on his words he is violently attacked from behind by ‘The American Nightmare’ Gabriel Bane with a steel chair to the back of Powers skull.


The voice belonged to Victoria McCave, but Powers couldn’t acknowledge her because he was too busy being on the receiving end of Bane’s brutal assault. After cracking Powers with the chair several more times, Bane grabbed Powers arm and whipped him viciously into the wall knocking all the wind out of him. Now with Powers on the ground trying to grasp for air and slowly getting to his feet, Bane gears back and plants a foot right into Powers face dropping him back to the ground and making him immobile.

Laughing with a wicked sensation, McCave walked over, leaned down, and looked directly at Powers, “What’s the matter? Loss of words? Seems I’ve seen you in this position one too many times … on the OTHER end of an ass whipping. I was going to pay Mr. Bane here for his services, but he suddenly wanted to do this for free when I told him what you said earlier.” McCave then got closer into Powers face and, in a calm tone, said, “So … who’s flat on their back now?”

“M … McCave”, Powers slowly tried to get his words out, “C-ca-can’t NOBODY touch y-your record!”

“BASTARD!”, she yelled as she looked back at Bane, “FINISH HIS ASS OFF!”

As if acting on instinct, Bane was already reaching for the television set and moving into position near Powers. With one final kick into Powers gut, he rolled over until his back was exposed and this was the exact target Bane wanted. Moving the TV up high, Bane, with a violent jerk, slammed the TV into the back of Powers almost busting it apart. Bane was about to make another move, but he never got the chance as GXW security and backstage workers made the scene. Pushing McCave and Bane back, the workers began to check on Powers to see if he was okay.

“Make sure you give him some aspirin cause he’s gonna have one sore back in the morning!” McCave laughed as she and Bane walked out of sight.

Wanting to say something Powers tried, but he was in too much pain to even form the words.
