"Look it wasn't my FAULT!"

It was a conversation that GXW Co-Owner Erik Zieba wasn't looking forward to, but knew it couldln't be avoided. He knew that this phone call was on the horizon, but he didn't think it was gonna happen this close to his match.

"Merritt, for the one hundred time, I'm sorry that happened to your champ Aho. If I had control of the situation then I would've avoided it, but I was kinda busy being on the recieving end of a steel chair!"

Zieba knew that Evan Aho was coming back home. Not only to his homestate, but also to the place where Aho basically started out and Zieba was happy about it. He wanted to make sure he had a great homecoming, but he didn't figure in the Dupree Factor. That would be his downfall.

"Wait. Now thinking about it. What was that little stunt with Hornet attacking Dan Ryan?"

Now that he didn't mind, but the fact remained. Dan Ryan was the GXW World Champion and he did what he did best and that was run his mouth. Instead of finding Evan Aho he found Hornet and Hornet made sure to 'welcome' Ryan back into the CSWA.

'Tell you what Merritt. You keep your boy under control and I'll do the same with mine? Cool? Now if you don't mind I have to go and take care of business. Try and see if you can do the same?"

Hanging up the phone Zieba just stood there in a daze for a moment before turning to his left and eyeballing the bottle that stood within arms grasp. He went to reach for it, but pulled back at the last second.

"No. Not yet. The sweet taste of victory will be mine after my match."

Sweet taste of victory or bitter taste of defeat. Zieba knew it would be one ... or the other ...

JG: Wow! Zieba didn't look too happy on the phone did he Garrett?

GM: And why should he? Time and time again we've been talked down by the likes of CSWA and their workers TO INCLUDE BIlly Buckley and Sammy Benson. Who the HELL do THESE two think they are anyway? One isn't old enough to know when to keep his trap shut and the other ... OH the other ... let's just put it this way. He'll do ANYTHING for LOVE ... and he knows EXACLTY what I mean! What the CSWA needs to do is to back off and realize that they aren't the only show in town anymore! The GXW, and for that matter EWI and NthWA, have been shooting up the ratings charts for a long time now and, when they turned into GXW, that gave them a HUGE boost. Why does CSWA talk about us? Look at the ratings and find out. Finb out who is on TOP of the mountain and who is knocked WAY down the charts! The GXW is the best show in town and if the CSWA don't like it then they can get off our leg!

JG: Get off of our leg?


Number One Contenders Tag Match

The Assassins
Combined Weight: 608 lbs.
"Killing in the Name Of" - Rage Against the Machine
Mason & Tate
Combined Weight 460lbs
"Pennyroyal Tea" - Nirvana

Cue-up “Pennyroyal Tea” by Nirvana

TK: The following is a single fall, tag-team contest!!!! Introducing first, from Seattle, Washington, Scotty Mason and Garth Tate…MASON AND TATE!!!!

The team of Mason and Tate make their way to the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

TK: And their opponents, the team of Orion and Osiris…THE ASSASSINS!!!!

Cue-up “Shinobi vs. Dragon Ninja” by the Lost Prophets

The Assassins slowly stalk to the ring as both of these teams prepare for a heated battle.

JG: This should be a great match-up as the winners go on to Global Warfare for a tag-team title shot against TLC!!

GM: Got to love TLC!!

The referee calls for the bell to start the match, as The Assassins stand on the outside of the ring, attempting to decide who will begin the match. Suddenly, with no warning, David Allen of TLC emerges from the crowd and attacks both of the Assassins with a steel pipe.


In the ring, Mason and Tate begin to make their way towards the action, when out of nowhere, Jevon Alexander attacks both of them from behind with a steel pipe as well.

JG: I cannot believe this!! TLC is sabotaging this match!!

GM: Like I said before, got to love TLC!!

The referee immediately calls for the bell as he exits the ring. The beatings continue, as Jevon clears the ring of Mason and Tate. David Allen throws both members of The Assassins into the ring, as Jevon brings two tables into the squared circle as well.

JG: This doesn’t look good.

GM: Sure it does!!

David Allen sets up both tables, one on top of the other, and then proceeds to place both members of The Assassins in between the tables. Jevon gradually makes his way to the top rope.

JG: No, don’t do it!!

Jevon leaps off of the top rope on to the top table, sandwiching both members of The Assassins in between the table debris.


GM: Woo-hoo!!

TLC now prepares to set the table debris on fire, as The Assassins lay motionless within the shards of wood and metal.

JG: Someone do something, they’re going to kill Orion and Osiris!!

GXW security quickly makes their way down to the ring and restrains TLC from causing any further chaos. TLC is escorted from the ring, as the crowd offers a series of boos and jeers.

JG: This arena is in an uproar as a result of TLC’s actions. We may have a riot if this thing isn’t put under control.

GM: And TLC loves every minute of it!!

Cups and other trash shower TLC from the crowd, as the referee enters the ring to offer his decision on this match.

JG: WOW…the referee has rewarded this match to THE ASSASSINS!! Since they were initially attacked, Mason and Tate have been disqualified. As a result, The Assassins will go on to Global Welfare for a shot at the GXW Tag-Team Championships!!

GM: If they aren’t eating out of straws!!

Winners: The Assassins

JG: The Assassins will challenge Fast Lane for the World Tag Team championship at Global Warfare and that should be one heck of a match.

JG: I can't even begin to pick a winner there.

JG: It is a tough call. Hold on, I'm getting word that something's going on in the back.

[The cameras cut to backstage where the Monsta Boyz have Mister Dupree cornered.]

BB: So you want to sic Dan Ryan on us, huh? You think that was called for, Dupree?!

CD: I'll damn well do anything I please, Bellows!

BB: Right. Well, then, you'll excuse if we see fit to reprimand you.

[Suddenly Horror Business appear from out of nowhere, ambushing the two Monsta Boyz. Bellows is thrown into a wall head-first while Fat Farrell is tackled to the floor and pounded on. Dupree regains his composure and stands over the two men as Horror Business stand on either side of him.]

CD: You thought you could bully me? Intimidate me? Who do you think I am?! Well I'll tell you who I am! I'm the co-owner of this company and you... you're MY employees! As such, I think you deserve a match at Global Warfare. Your opponents? You're staring up at them now. See ya soon, "boyz." Let's go, gentlemen.

[After a couple of stomps and kicks from Horror Business, Dupree and his henchmen walk away while Bellows and Farrell recover.]

JG: That was just uncalled for!

GM: Hey, they were the ones trying to get at Dupree!

JG: Even so, who can blame them?!

GM: Me, that's who.

JG: Ugh. Fans, let's go up to the ring for our next mtch.

For the GXW Ladies Title

Trynyty Wang
5'7", 135 lbs.
Shanghi, China
"Rhythm of the Heat" -Peter Gabriel
Yeh Shen Li
5'6", 130 lbs.
Shanghai, China
"Rhythm of the Heat" -Peter Gabriel

Cue-up “Rhythm of the Heat” by Peter Gabriel

TK: The following is a single fall contest for the GXW WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP!!!! Introducing first, the challenger, from Shanghi, China, one-half of that tag-team Twin Phoenix…YEH SHEN LI!!!!

Yeh Shen Li gracefully makes her way to the ring as the same entrance music continues to play.

TK: And his opponent, the reigning GXW Women’s Champion, TRYNYTY WANG!!!!

Trynyty Wang slowly makes her way to the ring as she prepares to defend her title against her tag-team partner.

JG: This match should be interesting, as we will see two women, who are a cohesive tag-team and friends no less, go at it for the GXW Women’s Championship.

GM: This is a rip-off, they should definitely be fighting over this title in a mud pit with bikinis on!!

JG: If you say so.

Both women circle the ring as they prepare to lock up. Shen Li strikes first as she hits Wang with a hip toss, followed by an arm drag takeover. Shen Li holds on to the arm as she continues to wrench on it. Wang quickly counters with a dropkick to the back of Shen Li’s head.

JG: Quick offense by both women here.

GM: Boring.

Once again, both women circle the ring as they prepare to lock up. This time, Wang strikes first as she gives Shen Li a boot to the stomach, immediately followed by a swift fameasser which drops Shen Li to the canvas. Wang continues to the offensive as she hits a series of rolling thunders, which are followed up by splashes.

JG: The champ is showing her lightning quick speed here.

GM: She needs to show more than speed!!

Wang prepares to pick Shen Li up by her hair, only to be cut off by a low blow. Shen Li immediately follows up the low blow with a facebuster, as she makes a quick cover.


JG: Trynyty Wang kicks out just before the count of three. A frustrated Shen Li lays a series of kicks into the champ.

GM: Is it over yet?

Wang slowly makes her way to her feet as Shen Li hits the FLASH MAGIC!! Shen Li quickly makes her way to the top rope as she prepares to end the match with the FIRE BOMB 2.0!!!!

JG: We could have a major upset here!!

GM: I’ve been upset since the start of this match.

Suddenly, Miso runs down to the ring and grabs Shen Li’s foot, causing her to fall to the ground on the outside of the ring.


GM: Its about time that this thing got interesting.

Miso quickly makes her way to the top and hits THE SPLASHING CALM on a defenseless Wang in the center of the ring. The referee calls for the bell as she rules this match a no contest.

JG: Well, it seems that Miso is getting her payback for what Twin Phoenix did to her a few shows ago.

GM: Payback’s a bitch, literally.

Winner: No Contest

JG: The women of Twin Phoenix put on a fine match, but Miso just couldn't stand to see it, I guess. As it stands now, she will be Trynyty Wang at Global Warfare for the Women's title!

GM: And Miso will lay claim to the title she should have had long ago.

JG: I don't follow your logic.

GM: When do you ever?

JG: When does anyone ever?

GM: Hey!

JG: Folks, it's main event time and it should be a real barn burner as Chad Dupree and Dan Ryan team up to take on Erik Zieba and Kendall Codine.

GM: This is an interesting match based on the fact that Dupree and Zieba will fight for ownership of the company at Global Warfare, while Ryan and Codine will be fighting over the World title. It could be a great indication of what will happen at our mega-event.

JG: It very well may. Let's go to the ring.


GXW Co-Owner Chad Dupree and
GXW World Champion Dan Ryan
'Ground On Down' - Ben Harper
'Zero' - Smashing Pumpkins
Kendall Codine and
GXW Co-Owner Erik Zieba
'Du Hast' - Rammstein
'Take A Look Around' - Limp Bizkit

TK: Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for your main event of the evening! It will be a one-fall contest featuring tag team action!

Rammstein's "Du Hast" begins to play. The lights go dim in the arena as the opening of the music begins. On the last word of the first verse, a burst of red pyrotechniques illuminate the top of the rampway. As the smoke clears, Kendall Codine emerges and pauses for a moment as the music continues. Codine slowly lifts his head and offers his opponent one last defining stare before he ultimately makes his way to the ring.

TK: Introducing first... hailing from Atlanta, Georgia and weighing in at 290 pounds... the 2002 King of the Cage and current number one contender to the GXW World Championship... KEEEENNNNDALLLLLLLLLL COOOOOOOODIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNE!!!

"Du Hast" fades out and is replaced by Limp Bizkit's "Take A Look Around" as Codine climbs into the ring. GXW co-owner Erik Zieba walks out from the back and receives a solid face pop from the crowd.

TK: His parter hails from Hammond, Indiana and weighs in at 210 pounds... co-owner of Global X-treme Wrestling... EEERRRRIIIIIKKKK ZZZZZIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEBBBBAAAA!!!

Zieba walks to the ring and takes his place beside Codine as the two man look anxiously toward the entrance to see their opponents' impending arrivals. The opening strains of Ben Harper's brings the crowd to their feet and booing loudly. As the percussion kicks in, co-owner Chad Dupree walks out and heads to the ring.

TK: And introducing their opponents. First out, hailing from Toledo, Ohio and weighing in at 268 pounds... he is also co-owner of Global X-treme Wrestling... CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD DUUUUUUUPPPRRREEEEEEEE!!!

Dupree remains on the outside of the ring as "Ground On Down" fades out and gives way to the Smashing Pumpkins' "Zero." Dan Ryan walks out from the back to a cacophony of boos from the crowd which only serves to bring a smile to his face.

TK: His partner hails from Houston, Texas and weighs in at 345 pounds... the reigning GXW Unified World Champion... "THE EGO BUSTER" DAAAAAAAAAAAN RYYYYYYYAAAAAAAANNNN!!!

Dupree and Ryan climb into the ring. Ryan taunts Codine with the GXW title belt and then hands it over to the referee. Dupree sneers defiantly at Zieba, eliciting a middle finger from his fellow co-owner that the crowd cheers for wildly. The referee calls for the bell and Dupree challenges Zieba to start the match against him.

JG: It looks as if Dupree wants to start this match against Erik Zieba. Dupree has a 58-pound weight advantage over Zieba but is only an inch taller. It should be interesting to see how that effects each man's offensive and defensive tactics.

Dupree and Zieba lock up. Zieba struggles to move Dupree back but is unable to do so and so he breaks the hold and walks around the ring. Codine gives him a reassuring pat on the shoulder and Zieba again locks up with his fellow co-owner. Dupree deftly drives a knee into Zieba's midsection however, doubling him over. He then whips him hard into a neutral corner and follows him in to deliver some hard chops to his pectoral region.

GM: Look at that. Dupree is obviously intent on wrestling the match whereas I'm sure Zieba will be looking to grab a weapon of some sort to clobber him with!

JG: You don't know that, Garrett.

GM: I know Zieba though.

Dupree goes for another Irish Whip but Zieba is able to reverse and Dupree goes hard into the corner. He stumbles out and Zieba levels him with a swinging lariat. He pulls Dupree to his feet, boots him in the midsection, and then drops him with a DDT. He covers, but only gets two. Zieba quickly pulls him up whips him to the ropes but Dupree ducks his clothesline attempt and drops him with a reverse neckbreaker. Dupree pulls the downed man to his corner and tags in Ryan.

JG: Oh boy, Zieba is going to be at a HUGE disadvantage in there against the champion!

GM: Ain't it great? Hahaha!

Ryan grabs Ryan in a waistlock from behind and goes for a release German suplex but Zieba is able to land on his feet and stumble to his corner to tag in Kendall Codine. The crowd cheers loudly as the men come face-to-face in the center. Ryan jaws away with some trash talk towards Codine who calmly maintains his composure. Finally the two men tie up, each struggling to gain dominance over the either. Codine is finall able to back Ryan into the ropes somehow and then whips him across. Ryan comes back at him and Codine goes for a clothesline which connects but does not take the champion off his feet.

GM: Look there! Codine's got that to look forward to at Global Warfare! Does anyone really think he can beat Ryan?

JG: I think he stands a very good chance actually.

GM: Who asked you?!

Codine delivers a striking blow to the champion's throat and kicks him in the midsection. He delivers a back elbow to the bridge of Ryan's nose and then follows up with a solid right hand that rocks champion. Codine then attempts his second clothesline and this one is able to take Ryan off of his feet.

JG: See there? Codine's determination alone makes him a worthy contender to Ryan's title.

GM: Oh, whatever.

JG: You just hate being proven wrong, don't you?

Codine drops a leg on Ryan and covers him. The referee's count reaches 2 and Ryan kicks out. Codine pulls him and goes to whip him into the corner but Ryan reverses and it's Codine who collides with the turnbuckles. Ryan follows in with a wicked clothesline, further squashing Codine against the turnbuckles. Ryan then takes him out of the corner with a belly-to-belly suplex and tags in Dupree.

JG: What? Dupree's going to get in there against Codine? I can't believe this.

GM: Why not? Dupree's a man's man, baby!

Dupree drops a series of elbow on Codine and then pulls him to his feet. He takes Codine up and over with a vertical suplex, follows up with a running kneedrop, and then locks on a reverse chinlock.

JG: Smart move by Mister Dupree here as it will continue to keep Codine grounded while also allowing Dupree to remain in control of the match.

Codine struggles against the hold as the crowd rallies behind him. Codine gets to one knee and tries to get to his feet, but Dupree grabs a handful of hair and takes him back down to the mat, drawing huge boos from the crowd.

JG: What's up with that?!

GM: What? I didn't see anything!

JG: You're pathetic, Garrett.

Zieba implores with Codine to fight back to his feet. Slowly but surely, Codine does so and rams a series of elbows into Dupree's midsection. Codine then whips him to the ropes but Dupree is able to reverse it. Codine ducks under a back elbow and comes back with a boot to Dupree's stomach. He drops Dupree with an inverted DDT and makes the tag to Zieba.

JG: Here we go! Dupree's in trouble now!

GM: Oh sure, come in when the guy's at a disadvantage. Some hero he makes.

Zieba pulls Dupree to his feet and unleashes a flurry of rights and lefts on him. Dupree staggers and swings a haymaker at Zieba but misses by a good bit. Zieba stuns him with a forearm shot and then runs to the ropes, coming back at him with a spear that sends both men to the mat. Zieba covers and gets 2 from it.

JG: What a spear from Zieba!

GM: Big deal. Dupree kicked out of it.

JG: But can he keep kicking out?

Zieba pulls Dupree up and executes a Russian legsweep. He follows up with an elbowdrop from the second rope and again covers Dupree, getting 2 before Ryan breaks it up. Zieba considers going toe-to-toe with Ryan but then thinks better of it, allowing the official to usher him out of the ring. As Dupree gets to his feet, Zieba kicks him in the stomach and goes for a facebuster, but Dupree counters it by dropping to one knee.

GM: Ho ho! Look there! Dupree countered that move perfectly!

JG: I have to admit that was a good counter.

Zieba pulls Dupree up again but Dupree rakes his eyes. He sends Zieba to the ropes and swings an elbow at him on the rebound which Zieba ducks under. Dupree spins around and both men collide with a clothesline on the other, sending both men down to the canvas.

JG: Wow! Double clothesline and both co-owners of GXW are down on the canvas! They're each trying to make it to their respective corners now! Ryan's tagged in! So is Codine!

GM: It's on again!

Codine and Ryan begin slugging it out furiously, but it's Ryan who gains the advantage with a stiff right hand to Codine's jaw. Ryan executes a running powerslam, positioning Codine by the nearby turnbuckles. He then begins to scale the ropes and executes a split-legged moonsault that awes the booing crowd.

JG: The champion with an awesome split-legged moonsault and that may be all here!

Ryan covers but only gets 2-and-a-half from the moonsault. He takes Codine to the middle of the ring with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex and then locks on an STF. Codine, again trapped in the middle of the ring, struggles to make it to the ropes. Just as he's about to reach them though, Dupree kicks his hand away, enabling Ryan to break the hold and drag him back to the middle of the ring.

JG: That's just not fair!

GM: What was illegal about it?

JG: Nothing, I guess, but it wasn't very sportsmanlike!

GM: Eh, who cares about being a good sport anyway?

Ryan whips Codine to the ropes and then drives him into the canvas with a powerful spinebuster. Ryan covers but is shocked when Codine is able to kick out at 2-and-a-half again. Suddenly Dupree comes into the ring to assist Ryan, but Zieba comes in after him and the two men begin fighting furiously, rolling to the outside. Ryan, looking frustrated, pulls Codine up and set him on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up with him and sets for a superplex, but Codine is able to fight back and wows the crowd as he chokeslams Ryan from the second rope.

JG: WOW!! What a move by Codine!!


Codine crawls over to Ryan and makes the cover. The referee counts but Ryan amazingly kicks out at 2-and-a-half. Meanwhile, on the outside, Dupree and Zieba continue to fight. Zieba goes to whip Dupree into a ringpost, but Dupree reverses the momentum and Zieba collides with it instead. As he rolls over, the camera goes in close and we see a bloody gash on his forehead and blood trickling down his face.

JG: Good God, Erik Zieba's been busted wide open!

GM: Serves him right!

Back in the ring, Ryan has regained control and goes for a Humility Bomb, but Codine again wows the crowd by countering it with a hurricanrana. Codine stands up and as the stunned Ryan gets to his feet, Codine unleases a devastating heart kick, falls on top of Ryan, hooks the far leg, and gets the three count.

JG: He did it! He did it! Codine pinned Ryan in front of the whole world!

GM: I don't believe it! Ryan's been pinned by the man he's got to face at Global Warfare!

JG: Believe it!

Winners: Kendall Codine and Erik Zieba

[Back on the outside, Dupree sets the bloody Zieba up and drops him with a Stunner. He then clears off the announce table, sending Grant and McFarland scattering away. The crowd looks on in horror as Dupree hoists Zieba up with a powerbomb and then sends him crashing through the table. Codine rolls out of the ring and goes after Dupree, but the co-owner scrambles away and walks backstage with the humbled Ryan.]

JG: Ryan's been pinned! Zieba put through a table! What's going to happen at Global Warfare now?!

GM: I don't even have a guess now, but I'm damn sure going to be there to find out!

JG: Folks, we hope you'll be there too! Join us for Global Warfare, live and only on pay-per-view! Good night!

[Fade to copyright information, and then to black.]